Call for Papers
Books for review
AWG is a fully refereed, English-language journal publishing research of relevance to geographers, specialists in the Arab World, and a broader interested readership. The periodical welcomes research that is historical or contemporary in scope, and methodological, theoretical or, empirical in orientation. Its editors seek contributions on an array of themes cutting across subdisciplines and regions. Of particular interest are papers that address recent global developments, and ongoing sociopolitical and economic change, especially with regard to the Arab World. All published articles are accompanied by abstracts in English and French.
Authors should submit their manuscripts in triplicate to:
Dr. Virginie Mamadouh, Associate and Managing Editor AWGDepartment of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fax: +31 (20) 525 4051 E-mail: v.d.mamadouh @
Submitted manuscripts, including quotations and footnotes, should be double-spaced with generous margins. The majority of papers including footnotes and references, should not exceed 7,000 words. The journal will consider longer papers (to 9,500 words) exploring critically informed theoretical issues of importance to an international readership. Each article should be accompanied by a 200-word abstract in English. A detailed style sheet is available from the editor on request. Manuscripts are considered for publication on the understanding that they are not currently under consideration elsewhere and that the material — in substance as well as in form — has not been previously published.
The Arab World Geographer invites the submission of manuscripts on any topic of geographical interest. All manuscripts submitted will be subject to independent review by referees, following the double blind system. Contributions should be sent in triplicate to AWGs Associate and Managing Edito at the Department of Geography Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. .
On the title page provide the full names of the authors, academic or other professional affiliations, and the complete address of the author with whom the editor should correspond.
It is understood that manuscripts and book reviews submitted to The Arab World Geographer have not been and will not be submitted simultaneously or published elsewhere, unless otherwise agreed.
It is further understood that opinions expressed in The Arab World Geographer are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, members of the International Advisory Board, and or the publisher.
Any necessary rights or permissions to reproduce quoted material or illustrations published elsewhere remain the responsibility of the author(s).
Manuscripts submitted to The Arab World Geographer should embody the results of sustained research into matters of interest to social scientists and geographers. Authors should note that they are writing for an international readership and they should therefore communicate in clear, straightforward English (Canadian spelling), avoiding whenever possible the extensive use of professional jargon. The use of appropriate illustrations is encouraged.
All material submitted should be typed with lines double-spaced, have wide margins, and use one side of the paper. The manuscripts several parts (abstract, list of references, tables, and list of figure captions) should begin on separate sheets, and all parts should be typed and double-spaced. Tables should be prepared with a minimum of rules, following the format of tables in existing issues of the journal. The total length of a manuscript, including references, should not exceed 7000 words. The journal will consider longer manuscripts (to 9,500 words) exploring critically informed theoretical issues of importance to an international readership. Each article should be accompanied by a 200-word abstract in English.
References should be indicated in the text by the surname of the author(s) with the year of publication, as shown below.
References to more than one publication by the same author in the same year should be distinguished alphabetically with a, b, c, etc. The abbreviated author and the date references should be placed in parentheses unless the name forms part of the text, in which case, only the year should appear in parentheses. The relevant page(s) may be given if necessary.
Examples: (McColl 1995a); (Dewar and Watson 1990, 1213); As Rana (1994, 17) remarks,...
At the end of the main text, the references should be listed in alphabetical order by authors last name and in ascending chronological order for each author. Only cited references should be listed. Full reference details should be given, including all authors, titles, publisher, and city of publication. For unpublished material, details of availability should be supplied. Examples of references are given below. Authors should follow this format in the preparation of their typescripts.
Al-Hamad, M. 1980. Infant mortality in Kuwait: Differences between Kuwaiti and Non-Kuwaiti population. Masters thesis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Dijkink, D. 1996. National identity and geopolitical visions: Maps of pride and pain. London: Routledge.
Elson, D. 1994. Uneven development and the textiles and clothing industry. In Capitalism and development, ed. L. Sklair, 189210. London: Routledge.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 1993. Household expenditure and income survey, 1992. Amman: Ministry of Planning, Department of Statistics of Jordan.
Harahsheh, H. 1993. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for natural resources management. Proceedings of the international symposium Operationalization of Remote Sensing, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 27182.
Massey, D. S., Gross, A. B., and Shibuya, K. 1994. Migration, segregation, and the geographic concentration of poverty. American Sociological Review 59:42545.
Wong, D. S. 1997. Big Dig funding bill makes headway. Boston Globe, 14 March.
The whole of the material appearing in this periodical is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief.
Diana K. Davis, Department of History, 2216 Social Sciences & Humanities, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 U.S.A.
E-mail: D. K. Davis geovet @