Volume 1 (1998)
Volume 2 (1999)
Volume 3 (2000)
Volume 4 (2001)
Al-Sabah, Amal Y. A., Recent Trends and Differentials of Infant Mortality in Kuwait.
40El-Quda, Omar. See Harahsheh
6Ayari, Leila, and Brosseau, Marc, In their Rightful Place: Gender and Place in Three Novels by Tunisian Women Writers.
103Falah, Ghazi, Editorial/ditorial.
1Flint, Colin, The Political Geography of the Nazi Partys Electoral Support: The NSDAP as Regional Milieuparteien and National Sammlungsbewegung.
79Harahsheh, Hussein, Tateishi, Ryutaro, and El-Quda, Omar, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Applications for Land Use and Land-Suitability Mapping: Case StudyIrbid District, Jordan.
6Odemerho, Francis, O. See Rasid
136Ramutsindela, Maano F., Compromises and Consequences: An Analysis of South Africas Land Reform Program.
155Rasid, Harun, and Odemerho, Francis O., Assessments of Urban Flood Problems by Residents of Slums and Squatter Settlements: Benin City, Nigeria, vs. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
136Salih, Abdelrahim Mohammed, Small Farmers, Rural Islamic Banks, Bureaucrats, and Brokers in Dar-al-Manasir of Northern Sudan: Credit Institutions or Neo-shail?
23Shrestha, Nanda R., Local Labour and Global Capital: A Historical Perspective on Nepali Migration to India.
60Steinmann, Susanne H., Gender, Animal Management, and Environmental Change in Eastern Morocco.
117Tateishi, Ryutaro. See Harahsheh
Assessments of Urban Flood Problems by Residents of Slums and Squatter Settlements: Benin City, Nigeria, vs. Dhaka, Bangladesh; Harun Rasid and Francis O. Odemerho
136Compromises and Consequences: An Analysis of South Africas Land Reform Program; Maano F. Ramutsindela
155Editorial/ditorial; Ghazi Falah
1Gender, Animal Management, and Environmental Change in Eastern Morocco; Susanne H. Steinmann
117In Their Rightful Place: Gender and Place in Three Novels by Tunisian Women Writers; Leila Ayari and Marc Brosseau
103Local Labour and Global Capital: A Historical Perspective on Nepali Migration to India; Nanda R. Shrestha
60Political Geography of the Nazi Partys Electoral Support: The NSDAP as Regional Milieuparteien and National Sammlungsbewegung, The; Colin Flint
79Recent Trends and Differentials of Infant Mortality in Kuwait; Amal Y. A. Al-Sabah
40Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Applications for Land Use and Land-Suitability Mapping: Case StudyIrbid District, Jordan; Hussein Harahsheh, Ryutaro Tateishi, and Omer El-Qudah
6Small Farmers, Rural Islamic Banks, Bureaucrats, and Brokers in Dar-al-Manasir of Northern Sudan: Credit Institutions or Neo-shail? Abdelrahim Mohammed Salih
Ethnic Frontiers and Peripheries: Landscapes of Development and Inequality in Israel, by Oren Yiftachel and Avinoam Meir; Steven A. Cook
170Nuzum Al-Malomat Al-Gughrafiya: Asassiyat wa tatdbighat lil-Gughrafieen (Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications for Geographers), by Aziz Mohamed Al Khozamy; Badr-Edin Taha Osman
Amery, Hussein A., Falah, Ghazi, and Ould-Mey, Mohameden, Acknowledgement / Remerciements.
181Barth, Hans-Jörg, Desert Ecosystems in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia—A Realistic Way to Improve Their Economic Value.
265Canaan, Tawfik, The ‘Azizme Bedouin and Their Region.
305Cordova, Carlos E., Landscape transformation in the Mediterranean-Steppe Transition Zone of Jordan: A Geoarchaeological Approach.
182Darden, Joe T., and Kamel, Sameh M., Spatial and Socioeconomic Analysis of Arab/West Asians and Jews in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area.
149Davies, Jack, Migration in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium (1898–1955).
41Emmett, Chad F., Nationalism among Christian Palestinians.
202Eva, Fabrizio, South or East? Europe’s Dilemma in its Search for Preferential Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Relations.
56Falah, Ghazi, No Longer “Lost in the Desert”: Human Geography from within the Arab World since 1985, Part I.
87Falah, Ghazi. See Amery
181Farhan, Yahya, Geomorphic Impacts of Highway Construction, Their Causes and Remedies: A Case Study from Aqaba, Southern Jordan.
1Hanks, Reuel, Islam, Politics, and Identity in Uzbekistan: Political and Cultural Landscapes in Central Asia’s Lynchpin State.
220Kamel, Sameh M. See Darden
149Khamaisi, Rassem, Management Transformations of Statutory Planning Systems in Jerusalem Area.
116Lindner, Peter, Family Business: Critical Commentary on an Established Socio-Spatial Explanatory Concept and the Example of Palestine.
294Meyer, Frank, The Bencherifs in Morocco: Cultural Dimensions in the Success Story of a Textile Manufacturing Family.
275Nasr, Ayman H. See Shair
139Ould-Mey, Mohameden. See Amery
181Owusu, Thomas Y., The Growth of Ashaiman as a Squatter Settlement in the Tema District of Ghana, 1950–1990.
234Rashid, Samory, Islam in America: Multicultural Blindspot.
70Rowley, Gwyn, The Tragedy of the Common Waters: Towards the Deepening Crisis within the Jordan Basin.
26Shair, Isa M., and Nasr, Ayman H., Using Satellite Images to Detect Land-Use in Al-‘Ain City, United Arab Emirates.
Acknowledgement/Remerciements; Hussein A. Amery, Ghazi Falah, and Mohameden Ould-Mey
181Desert Ecosystems in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia—A Realistic Way to Improve Their Economic Value; Hans-Jörg Barth
265Family Business: Critical Commentary on an Established Socio-Spatial Explanatory Concept and the Example of Palestine; Peter Lindner
294Geomorphic Impacts of Highway Construction, Their Causes and Remedies: A Case Study from Aqaba, Southern Jordan; Yahya Farhan
1Islam in America: Multicultural Blindspot; Samory Rashid
70Islam, Politics, and Identity in Uzbekistan: Political and Cultural Landscapes in Central Asia’s Lynchpin State; Reuel Hanks
220Landscape transformation in the Mediterranean-Steppe Transition Zone of Jordan: A Geoarchaeological Approach; Carlos E. Cordova
182Management Transformations of Statutory Planning Systems in Jerusalem Area; Rassem Khamaisi
116Migration in the Sudan during the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium (1898–1955); Jack Davies
41Nationalism among Christian Palestinians; Chad F. Emmett
202No Longer “Lost in the Desert”: Human Geography from within the Arab World since 1985, Part I; Ghazi Falah
87South or East? Europe’s Dilemma in its Search for Preferential Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Relations; Fabrizio Eva
56Spatial and Socioeconomic Analysis of Arab/West Asians and Jews in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area; Joe T. Darden and Sameh M. Kamel
149The ‘Azizme Bedouin and Their Region; Tawfik Canaan
305The Bencherifs in Morocco: Cultural Dimensions in the Success Story of a Textile Manufacturing Family; Frank Meyer
275The Growth of Ashaiman as a Squatter Settlement in the Tema District of Ghana, 1950–1990; Thomas Y. Owusu
234The Tragedy of the Common Waters: Towards the Deepening Crisis within the Jordan Basin; Gwyn Rowley
26Using Satellite Images to Detect Land-Use in Al-‘Ain City, United Arab Emirates; Issa M. Shair and Ayman H. Nasr
Arab Geography and the International Geographical Union; Eckart Ehlers
261Recent German Human Geographical Research on the Arab World; Horst Kopp
259Recent German Physical Geographical Research on the Arab World; Fouad Ibrahim
Alahsa: A Geographic Study, by Abdullah A. Attahr; Abdulaziz A. Alshaikh
257Cairo: The City Victorious, by Max Rodenbeck; Dona J. Stewart
178Geopolitics in a Changing World, by Klaus Dodds; Virginie Mamadouh
250Rivers of Fire: The Conflict over Water in the Middle East, by Arnon Soffer; Hussein A. Amery
176Sudan: The Reconquest Reappraised, by Edward M. Spiers; Hassan Abdul-Aziz Ahmed
252The Object of Memory: Arab and Jew Narrate the Palestinian Village, by Susan Slyomovics; Gearoid O’Tuathail / Gerard Toal
174The World of Pastoralism: Herding Systems in Comparative, by John G. Galaty and Douglas L. Johnson, eds.; Ian R. Manners
84Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N. Sage, by Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Mohameden Ould-Mey
Beaumont, Peter, Water for Peace in the Middle East: The Sacrifice of Irrigated Agriculture in Israel?
97Brook, George A., and Sheen, Shaw-Wen, Rainfall in Oman and the United Arab Emirates: Cyclicity, Influence of the Southern Oscillation, and What the Future May Hold
78Bastani, Susan, Muslim Women On-Line
40Davie, Michael F., Falah, Ghazi, and Mamadouh, Virginie, Acknowledgement/Remerciements
1Davis, Diana K., Environmentalism as Social Control? An Exploration of the Transformation of Pastoral Nomadic Societies in French Colonial North Africa
182Diagne, Abdou Khadre, Yamamura, Junji, Tourism Development and Environmental Coast Laws in Senegal: The Case of the Petite Côte
113El-Bushra, El-Sayed, Falah, Ghazi, Acknowledgement/Remerciements
227El-Karanshawy, Samer, Participatory Approaches to Urban Development in Egypt: The Experience of a non-Governmental Organization
261Falah, Ghazi. See Davie
Falah, Ghazi. See El-Bushra
Falah, Ghazi, Editorial
152Halper, Jeff, The Struggle for Control, the End of a Paradigm
169Hamid, Gamal M., Local Level Authorities and Local Action in Greater Khartoum, Sudan
230Harahsheh, Hussein. See Wikantika
Harahsheh, Hussein. See Wen
Harb el-Kak, Mona, Post-War Beirut: Resources, Negotiations, and Contestations in the Elyssar Project
272Harto, Agung Budi. See Wikantika
Hathout, Salah. See Moodly
Kamal, Montasser M., Exclusive Governance and Development in Egypt
249Khamaisi, Rassem, Intifadat Al-Aqsa: The Perpetuation of the Situation or a Turning Point in Israel’s Relation to Its Arab-Palestinian Citizens?
175Khashan, Hilal, Intifada for Peace and against its Process
157Lightfoot, Dale, Ghayl and Miyan in Arabia Felix: The Ecology of Diffusion and Recession of Use
2Mamadouh, Virginie. See Davie
McColl, Robert W., On a Razor’s Edge: Opportunity Lost or Opportunity Gained?
164Moodly, Vadi, Hathout, Salah, The Use of GIS for the Subjective and Objective Analysis of the Quality of Life in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
199Mustafa, Walid, Al-Aqsa Intifada: Why?
159Newman, David, The Symbolism of Space and Place amongst Israelis and Palestinians
167Nolte, Richard, Reflections of a Long-time Observer
154Park, Jong-Hyun. See Wikantika
Paul, Bimal Kanti, The Geography of Childbirth in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study
208Samatar, Ibdi Ismail, Social Transformation and Islamic Reinterpretation in Northern Somalia: The Women’s Mosque in Gabiley
22Sawalha, Aseel, Post-War Beirut: Place Attachment and Interest Groups in Ayn Al-Mreisi
289Schechla, Joseph, Putting Human Rights Back on the Map of Palestine
172Shami, Seteney, Guest Editor’s Note
228Sheen, Shaw-Wen. See Brook
Tateishi, Ryutaro. See Wikantika
Tateishi, Ryutaro. See Wen
Taylor, Peter J., Commentary: Subtleties of Power
180Wen, Cheng-Gang, Tateishi, Ryutaro, and Harahsheh, Hussein, Asian 30-Second Land Cover Dataset
132Wihartini. See Wikantika
Wikantika, Ketut, Park, Jong-Hyun, Tateishi, Ryutaro, Wihartini, Harahsheh, Hussein, and Harto, Agung Budi, Spectral Information Analysis from Multisensor Image Fusion for Land Use/Land Cover Classification in a Tropical Area: A Case Study in Bogor, Indonesia
60Yamamura, Junji. See Diagne
Volume 3 (2000) Titles / TitresAcknowledgement/Remerciements / El-Sayed El-Bushra and Ghazi Falah
227Acknowledgement/Remerciements / Michael F. Davie, Ghazi Falah, and Virginie Mamadouh
1Al-Aqsa Intifada: Why? / Walid Mustafa
159Asian 30-Second Land Cover Dataset / Cheng-Gang Wen, Ryutaro Tateishi, and Hussein Harahsheh
132Commentary: Subtleties of Power / Peter J. Taylor
180Editorial / Ghazi Falah
152Environmentalism as Social Control? An Exploration of the Transformation of Pastoral Nomadic Societies in French Colonial North Africa / Diana K. Davis
182Exclusive Governance and Development in Egypt / Montasser M. Kamal
249Ghayl and Miyan in Arabia Felix: The Ecology of Diffusion and Recession of Use / Dale Lightfoot
2Guest Editor’s Note / Seteney Shami
228Intifada for Peace and against its Process / Hilal Khashan
157Intifadat Al-Aqsa: The Perpetuation of the Situation or a Turning Point in Israel’s Relation to Its Arab-Palestinian Citizens? / Rassem Khamaisi
175Local Level Authorities and Local Action in Greater Khartoum, Sudan / Gamal M. Hamid
230Muslim Women On-Line / Susan Bastani
40On a Razor’s Edge: Opportunity Lost or Opportunity Gained? / Robert W. McColl
164Participatory Approaches to Urban Development in Egypt: The Experience of a non-Governmental Organization / Samer El-Karanshawy
261Post-War Beirut: Place Attachment and Interest Groups in Ayn Al-Mreisi / Aseel Sawalha
289Post-War Beirut: Resources, Negotiations, and Contestations in the Elyssar Project / Mona Harb el-Kak
272Putting Human Rights Back on the Map of Palestine / Joseph Schechla
172Rainfall in Oman and the United Arab Emirates: Cyclicity, Influence of the Southern Oscillation, and What the Future May Hold / George A. Brook and Shaw-Wen Sheen
78Reflections of a Long-time Observer / Richard Nolte
154Social Transformation and Islamic Reinterpretation in Northern Somalia: The Women’s Mosque in Gabiley / Ibdi Ismail Samatar
22The Geography of Childbirth in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study / Bimal Kanti Paul
208The Struggle for Control, the End of a Paradigm / Jeff Halper
169The Symbolism of Space and Place amongst Israelis and Palestinians / David Newman
167The Use of GIS for the Subjective and Objective Analysis of the Quality of Life in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa / Vadi Moodly and Salah Hathout
199Tourism Development and Environmental Coast Laws in Senegal: The Case of the Petite Côte / Abdou Khadre Diagne and Junji Yamamura
113Water for Peace in the Middle East: The Sacrifice of Irrigated Agriculture in Israel? / Peter Beaumont
Volume 3 (2000) Reviews/Comptes rendusArabs at the Crossroads: Political Identity and Nationalism, by Hilal Khashan / Mohameden Ould-Mey
141Engaging Geopolitics, by Kathleen E. Braden and Fred M. Shelley; Political Geography: World Economy, Nation-State and Locality, by Peter J. Taylor and Colin Flint / Klaus Dodds
223Homo Geographicus: A Framework for Action, Awareness, and Moral Concern, by Robert D. Sack / Virginie Mamadouh
225Introducing Human Geographies, by Paul Cloke, Phil Crang and Mark Goodwin, eds. / Rick Mitcham
149Islam in South Africa: Mosques, Imams, and Sermons, by Abulkader Tayob / Abdi Ismail Samatar
303Migrations internationales entre le Maghreb et l’Europe : les effets sur les pays de destination et d’origine (International Migrations between the Maghreb and Europe: The effects on the origin and destination countries), by Mohamed Berriane, M. and Herbert Popp, eds / Michael Samers
74Plant Life in the World’s Mediterranean Climates, by Peter R. Dallman / Mohamed Kassas
22The Geopolitics Reader, by Geaórid Ó Tuathail, Simon Dalby, and Paul Routledge, eds. / Andrew Crampton
75Water for the Future: The West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, by The Committee on Sustainable Water Supplies for the Middle East / John Kolars
147Women and War in Lebanon, by Lamia Rustum Shehadeh, ed. / Hussein A. Amery
Abdel Ati, Hassan Ahmed. See IbrahimAbu Sin, Mohamed El-Hadi. See Ibrahim
Albet-Mas, Abel, Urban and Regional Planning in Colonial Morocco: From Protection to Exploitation
290Alredaisy, Samir M. A. Hassan, Davies, Jack H. R., Food Insecurity in the Sub-Saharan Rainlands: Umm Sial, a Village in White Nile State, Sudan
19Al-Tarrah, Ali Ahmad, Sadri, Houman Ahmad, The Dynamic Tribe-State Relations in Saudi Arabia
185Aziz, Mohamed, Application of Spatial Analysis Systems to Environmental Planning in Kuwait: Case Study of the Process of Locating the Optimum Landfill Sites for Domestic Waste
220Davies, Jack H. R. See Alredaisy
Ehlers, Eckart, The Mediterranean City: Arab and Western Encounters—Traditions and Futures
238Fahrer, Chuck, The Geography of Egypt’s Islamist Insurgency
160Haas, Hein de, Migration, Development, and Agricultural Change in the South-Moroccan Todgha Valley
302Hathout, Salah, Sharaf, Mohamed, The Agroclimatic Suitability of Growing Dates, Bananas, and Grapes in Egypt Using GIS
133Ibrahim, Mohamed Babiker, Abdel Ati, Hassan Ahmed, Abu Sin, Mohamed El-Hadi, The Development of Sudanese Geography
1Kagermeier, Andreas, New Touristic Centres in Peripheral Regions of the Maghreb: Their Development and Economic Importance in Tunisia and Morocco
104Konadu-Agyemang, Kwadwo, Takyi, Baffour K., African Immigrants in the USA: Some Reflections on Their Pre-and Post-Migration Experiences
31Mamadouh, Virginie, Constructing a Dutch Moroccan Identity through the World Wide Web
258Nogué-Font, Joan, Portraits of Colonial Morocco: Spanish Visitors to the Moroccan Protectorate between 1912 and 1956
275Pfaffenbach, Carmella, “Le Tunisien est un bon client qui revient et qui consommé …”: On New Trends in Tunisian Domestic Tourism
117Sadri, Houman Ahmad. See Al-Tarrah
Sutton, Keith, Demographic Transition and Regional Population Change in Algeria, 1987–1998
206Takyi, Baffour, K. See Konadu-Agyemang
Taylor, Peter J., West Asian/North African Cities in the World City Network: A Global Analysis of Dependence, Integration, and Autonomy
African Immigrants in the USA: Some Reflections on Their Pre-and Post-Migration Experiences / Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang and Baffour K. Takyi
31Application of Spatial Analysis Systems to Environmental Planning in Kuwait: Case Study of the Process of Locating the Optimum Landfill Sites for Domestic Waste / Mohamed Aziz
220Constructing a Dutch Moroccan Identity through the World Wide Web / Virginie Mamadouh
258Demographic Transition and Regional Population Change in Algeria, 1987–1998 / Keith Sutton
Food Insecurity in the Sub-Saharan Rainlands: Umm Sial, a Village in White Nile State, Sudan / Samir M. A. Hassan Alredaisy and H. R. Jack Davies
19Le Tunisien est un bon client qui revient et qui consommé …”: On New Trends in Tunisian Domestic Tourism / Carmella Pfaffenbach
117Migration, Development, and Agricultural Change in the South-Moroccan Todgha Valley / Hein de Haas
302Portraits of Colonial Morocco: Spanish Visitors to the Moroccan Protectorate between 1912 and 1956 / Joan Nogué-Font
275New Touristic Centres in Peripheral Regions of the Maghreb: Their Development and Economic Importance in Tunisia and Morocco / Andreas Kagermeier
104The Agroclimatic Suitability of Growing Dates, Bananas, and Grapes in Egypt Using GIS / Salah Hathout and Mohamed Sharaf
133The Development of Sudanese Geography / Mohamed Babiker Ibrahim, Hassan Ahmed Abdel Ati, and Mohamed El-Hadi Abu Sin
1The Dynamic Tribe-State Relations in Saudi Arabia / Ali Ahmad Al-Tarrah and Houman Ahmad Sadri
185The Geography of Egypt’s Islamist Insurgency / Chuck Fahrer
160The Mediterranean City: Arab and Western Encounters—Traditions and Futures / Eckart Ehlers
238Urban and Regional Planning in Colonial Morocco: From Protection to Exploitation / Abel Albet-Mas
290West Asian/North African Cities in the World City Network: A Global Analysis of Dependence, Integration, and Autonomy / Peter J. Taylor
Discussion Arising from Papers in AWG / Alasdair D. Drysdale
48Hydro-Orientalism: Who Is Afraid of Native Experts? / Sharif S. Elmusa
52Water, Agriculture, and Uncertainty: Comments on Beaumont / Paul A. Kay
55Water for Peace in the Middle East: Further Observations and Reflections / Peter Beaumont
58Water, War, and Peace in the Middle East: Comments on Peter Beaumont / Hussein A. Amery
Another Voice against the War / Mohammed Abu-Nimer
89Ashes and Aftermath / Neil Smith
81Ending in Order to Begin … / Colin Flint
103Initial Thoughts towards Political Geographies in the Wake of 11 September 2001: An Introduction / Colin Flint
77New York City and the Geopolitical Transition / Jan Nijman
96Not the Wretched of the Earth: Osama Bin Laden and the “clash of Civilizations” / John Agnew
85Teaching and Learning the Lesson of Complexity / Sallie Marston and Farhang Rouhani
100The Law of Unintended Consequences: Reflections on Some Global and National Changes Following the Events of 11 September 2001 / Robert W. McColl
España en Marruecos (1912–1956): Discursos geográficos e intervención territorial, by Joan Nogué-Font and José Luis Villanova, eds. / José Antonio Rodríguez Esteban
321Global Environmental Databases: Present Situations; Future Directions, by Ryutaro Tateishi and David Hastings, eds. / Loren Siebert
75Out of Place: A Memoir, By Edward W. Said / Miles Ogborn
143Understanding the Contemporary Middle East, by Deborah J. Gerner, ed. / Don zeigler
Contemporary Scholarship and the Demystification – and Re-Mystification – of “muslim Women,” / Caroline Nagel