The Arab World Geographer

Current Issue
AWG volume 14 number 3

The Arab World Geographer Autumn / Automne 2011


Rasha El-Ibiary

New Media, Geopolitics, and Terror: Discursive Analysis of Bush and Bin Laden’s Rhetoric

Predicting the Impact of Intercity Transportation Connections on Spatial Environmental Noise Pollution in Greater Khartoum, 2009
Samir Mohamed Ali Hassan Alredaisy

David L. Baylis

Environmental (Degradation and Uncertain) Security: Reifying the Conditions for Social and Environmental Degradation in Uzbekistan

Journey Harun Rashid

Autobiography: A Geographer’s Journey From the Ganges–Brahmaputra to the Mississippi Floodplains: How a
Passion for Rivers and Flood Studies Shaped a Geographer’s Research

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Atlas du Liban : territoires et société, by Éric Verdeil, Ghaleb Faour, and Sébastien Velut

(Sofia Toufi Shwayri)

A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France’s Empire in the Algerian Sahara, 1844–1902, by Benjamin Claude Brower
(George R. Trumbull IV)

Spatial Conceptions of the Nation: Modernizing Geographies in Greece and Turkey, eds. P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Thalia Dragonas, and Çağlar Keyder 

(Kyle T. Evered)


The Arab World Geographer

ISSN 1480–6800
Editorial Office: Department of Geography and Planning
Buchtel College of Arts and Science, The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-5005 USA
Published four times a year, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
Printed by Coach House Printing for AWG—The Arab World Geographer
© Copyright 2011 by AWG Publishing, Toronto, Canada

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Contact: V.D.Mamadouh @  uva .  nl  |   Last update: 16 November 2011