Francesco Adamo, Università del Piemonte
Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro", Novara, Italy.
Collaboration for Local Progress in Mediterranean and European Countries.
This paper outlines the evolution of geopolitical practices in those
countries which have more advanced economies and to the geo-economic practices
of their companies from the period of colonialism to the present day in
order to recognise possible objectives for Italy, European Union and Mediterranean
Countries in the new World scenarios which have come about from the
end of the Cold War to the new conditions of global competition. It stresses
that local and regional collaboration are the route of economic progress
in the scenario of the global competition, and a new role of Europe
is essential for the progress of Mediterranean and Arab countries,
which, together with European progress, needs a new globalisation
and globalism. Globalisation which is fair, for the advantage of everyone
and therefore aimed at dealing with the great social contradiction of today’s
world, requires a democratic globalism: an influential world Government
to be truly “transnational”, which has real autonomy in respect of single
nations. This construction is only possible through a preliminary setting
up of an international Government, which in turn implies a full recovery
and, still for many countries, recognition and development of national
Adel Alabdulkarim, Saudi Arabia
See Alhomaid
Abel Albet-Mas, Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain.
Urban and regional planning in colonial Morocco: from protection
to exploitation, a competition for modernization.
During their colonial years in Morocco, both France and Spain
adopted an official discourse that was protectionist and paternalistic:
the supposed civilizing task on a supposed "virgin space" where, from the
perspective of progress and modernisation, everything "had to be done",
contributed to the elaboration of many urban and regional plans.
In both cases the discourse and the plans hid an intention of exploitation
and control. The proximity to Europe, the joint actuation with other
colonial powers in Tangiers, and some rivalry in comparison to what Liautey
was doing in French Morocco, raise the level of the Spanish colonizing
operations. French interventions were the model that had to be followed:
French urban planning presented excellent systematic tactics of control,
occupation, transformation and exploitation of the Moroccan territory and
society. Although the Spanish colonial legacy in Morocco showed an
unusual effort to design many urban, regional and thematic plans (this
task was even previous and better of what was done in Spain), only few
parts of some of them were implemented. The results were that only a few
traits of modernisation were introduced in Moroccan urban and rural areas
and, in fact, the usual colonial processes of resource exploitation and
people’s submission happened. Under Franco’s regime the official justification
of this lack of efficiency was hidden by a veil of supposed tolerance and
respect to the Moroccans.
Abdullah Alhomaid and Adel Alabdulkarim, King
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Europe in the contemporary Arab discourse on globalization.
From the late nineteenth century until recently, the concept of
the West in the Arab discourse had been a construct that referred to a
civilization, a worldview, culture, political and military hegemony.
The most striking feature of these perceptions of the West was that they
were always identified with a geographical space called Europe, and the
United States received less attention or no attention at all. However,
in the context of the debate on globalization in the Arab world, the situation
has been reversed. The Arab thinkers have adopted, consciously or
unconsciously, a conception of the West which gave the United States central
role and marginalized the influence and impact of Europe on the Arab world.
The primary objective of this paper, therefore, is to examine the newly
assigned position of Europe in the contemporary Arab discourse. It will
investigate how changes in the Arab thinkers’ conception of time and space
have effected, in varying degrees, their perception of the significance,
role and impact of Europe on the Arab society and culture. The first part
of the study will delineate how the makers of the Arab discourse such as
academics, philosophers, polemicists, politicians and journalists, perceive
the essence, scope, and the consequences of globalization. Part two
will examine how this conception of globalization has influenced the Arab
thinkers’ views on Europe. Also this section will attempt to identify
the other political, intellectual and economic factors which may have contributed
to the marginalization of Europe in the contemporary Arab discourse.
The study will end with concluding remarks on the possible implications
of this newly assigned position of Europe in the Arab thought on the future
of the Euro-Arab relations.
Khalid Al-Zamat, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.
Implication of solving border disputes in the Middle East on the
citizens: The case of Qatari / Bahraini disputes.
The dispute of Qatar Bahrain on Hewar islands is referred to the
early 1930s. Since the dispute started, the bilateral-relationship between
the two countries was highly effected on the citizens’ level (esp. educational
elite in Qatar) especially in the 1980s and 1990s. The two countries dispute
which solved by the International Court was seen on the citizens level
in both countries as a great step toward the integration bear on mind that
the two countries as a Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) members. This paper
will examine first the type of social linkages between the citizens of
the two countries. Moreover, it will also, in particular, gauge the implication
of solving dispute on the citizens’ level from the Qatari point of view.
Finally, the paper will investigate the step of Qatar and Bahrain dispute
and both parties’ agreement to go to international court applied to the
other disputes in the Gulf area from the citizen’s point of view.
Amari Amar, University of Setif, Algeria.
Euro-Arab relationship: Reality and prospect.
In Arabic—not yet online
Hussein Amery, Colorado School of Mines, Golden,
Scarcity-induced water wars in the Middle East?
There is much disagreement about whether water scarcity in a region
like the Middle East is likely to lead to wars within and/or between states.
Cornucopians argue that water is an agent of cooperation and of peace between
states, and use historical evidence to support their claim by pointing
out that no war has ever been fought over water in recent history.
Water wars, this line of reasoning continues, are too expensive and resolve
very little. Limitationists argue that water scarcity results in
fiercer competition for the resource. Protracted water deficits result
in economic and social disruptions which are likely to trigger civil or
international wars, depending on the perceived source of the problem.
Conceptually, this line of reasoning is couched in the environmental security
literature. This paper offers a critical and systematic evaluation
of each of these opposing arguments, both conceptually and empirically.
The case studies that I will draw upon come primarily from the Middle East.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the conflict among the riparians
in the Euphrates River basin. The paper concludes that protracted
water stress in regions of geopolitical instability will play a key role
in triggering wars between states.
Louisa Amireche, Université des Sciences et Technologie Houari
Boumediene, Alger, Algeria.
Problématique d’habitat dans les grandes villes entre colonisation
d’hier et la mondialisation: le cas d’Alger.
Les notions d’habitat et de logement évoluent sans cesse dans
les pays industrialisés, dans leurs aspects de confort interne et
externe, leur conférant ainsi un cadre de vie permettant l’épanouissement
du citoyen. Dans les pays d’ancienne colonie comme l’Algérie, au
contraire, la problématique se complexifie et reste qualifiée
par la dégradation du cadre de vie, de l’insatisfaction grandissante
des besoins primaires. Inhérente à l’histoire du développement
des villes, notamment des plus grandes, l’accumulation des problèmes
a engendré des caractéristiques et des aspects qui leur portent
aujourd’hui tant de préjudices au point où ils compromettent
et leur devenir et leur cachet identitaire. En situation de crise multidimensionnelle
de l’habitat (insuffisance par rapport aux besoins, dégradation
avancée du cadre bâti, sur-occupation, inadéquation
par rapport aux pratiques et aux modes de vie de la société…)
durant la phase de décollage économique on lui a accordé
peu d’importance jusqu’aux années 1980, et après une prise
de conscience tardive, les actions volontaristes préconisées
sont bouleversées par la crise économique mondiale. De graves
retombées agissent sur la croissance démographique dans les
grandes villes, sur la forme des pyramides des âges, l’âge
du mariage, le taux de célibat… Face à la mondialisation
grandissante, cette problématique suscite des questionnements sur
notre avenir. Notre communication mettra en exergue tous les aspects décrits
plus hauts ainsi que les facteurs qui les ont produits.
Yasmina Arama, Université Mentouri, Constantine,
Mondialisation…Globalisation, quelle régionalisation pour
les pays du Maghreb?
Il semblerait, aujourd’hui, difficile d’être à l’écart d’un processus généralisé tel que la mondialisation. En effet, ne vaudrait-il pas mieux composer avec ce nouvel ordre économique et, comme pensent certains libéraux, professionnels ou citoyens, « se réapproprier ensemble l’avenir de notre monde » ? Pour les pays du Maghreb, par exemple, la question de la réunification reste toujours posée. Les régions, loin d’être ouvertes, s’élargissement cependant à des « zones frontalières » et deviennent plus précisément des « espaces marginaux » pour des échanges en parallèle d’une économie officielle. La libéralisation économique et politique apparait le plus souvent insuffisante au regard des échanges multilatéraux liés à la mondialisation. Quel type de région et quelle régionalisation seraient à considérer afin d’amorcer une intégration économique? La régionalisation doit être repensée en relation avec le processus de la mondialisation et de la globalisation; sans naturellement perdre de vue un régionalisme qui, procédant davantage de la fermeture, constitue un obstacle permanent à une véritable régionalisation. Le mythe du grand Maghreb passerait nécessairement par une régionalisation et davantage d’échanges régionaux afin d’amorcer l’intégration économique. Pour l’Algérie en particulier, l’option pour une nouvelle régionalisation donnant plus d’autonomie et de compétences aux régions ne manquerait pas de remettre en question l’Etat territorial souverain jusque là. Quant à la géographie, elle doit renouveler son objet d’étude et concevoir, en conséquence, l’espace pour une interdépendance des territoires et pour des courants d’échanges transrégionaux.
Economic internationalization ... globalization, what regionalization for countries of the Maghreb?
It would be difficult today to "stand out" a process as generalized
as "economic internationalization" or globalization. It would be
worth, indeed, to compose to best with this new economic order and, as
some liberals (professionals and citizens) think, "to appropriate for ourselves
and together the future of our world." What's about the Maghreb?
The question of the reunification of countries, for example, is always
in suspense. Regions, far from being open, sometimes constitute them
"border zones" ["zones frontalieres"], to be precisely "marginal spaces"
for exchanges in parallel of an official economy circuit. The economic
and political liberalization appears often insufficient facing the multilateral
exchange bound to internationalization. Then, what type of region
and what regionalization would be considered in the Maghreb, to start an
economic integration? The regionalization must be thought and reconsidered
in relation with the process of internationalization and the globalization;
without losing however sight of a regionalism that, often, operate by closing
and this fact can constitute an obstacle to a real regionalization.
The myth of the big Maghreb, would pass necessarily by a regionalization
and more regional exchanges to the bootjack of the economic integration.
For Algeria, the option for a new regionalisation that would give more
autonomy and expertise to regions, would not miss to put back in question
the territorial state, until there, sovereign. As for the Geography,
it must renew its object of survey and conceive spaces consequently, for
more interdependence of territories and currents for specially trans-regional
David Atkinson, University of Hull, UK.
Contrasting geographies of mobility, space and the desert: A European
account of Italian North Africa.
Knud Holmboe was a Danish travel-writer, adventurer and convert
to Islam who travelled through North Africa in the late 1920s. In
1930, in a curious combination of European modernity and his Islamic faith,
he decided to drive to Mecca across North Africa in a 1928 Chevrolet.
His 1931 text Desert Encounter outlines what he called his 'adventurous
journey through Italian Africa.' This paper outlines Holmboe's interpretations
of Fascist Italy's colonialism in Libya, and their mediation through his
entwined subjectivities as both a Moslem and a European traveller.
In particular, I emphasise his assumed rights to unfettered movement across
North Africa and compare these with Italian attempts to control the mobility
of their Bedouin 'subjects.' Set against desert landscapes that were
so frequently romanticised as liberating spaces of carefree movement by
contemporary European voices, Holmboe provides a salutary account of the
restrictive geographies and spatial control that characterised Italian
colonialism in 1930s Libya.
Mohamed Aziz, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
Automated cartographic modeling of the development of Kuwait.
In Arabic— not yet online
Liliane Barakat, Université Saint-Joseph
de Beyrouth, Libanon.
Le Liban ou la course à l’émigration.
Depuis plus d’un siècle l’émigration internationale constitue
une des caractéristiques du Liban contemporain. Il y a trois fois
à quatre fois plus de Libanais installés à l’extérieur
des frontiers, que de résidents nationaux. Le Liban a connu de grandes
vagues migratoires à partir du dernier quart du XIXe siècle.
La guerre civile (1975-1990), les bombardements aveugles, l’insécurité
constante… ont alimenté la diaspora libanaise. Aujourd’hui,
malgré le retour de la paix, la mise en place d’un processus de
reconstruction de grande ampleur et une vague de retours qui se sont effectués
au courant de la première moitié de la décennie des
années 1990, les Libanais sont de plus en plus nombreux à
vouloir s’expatrier. Effectivement, depuis 1997, le pays est soumis à
une émigration massive de jeunes actifs qui compromet le développement
économique du pays. Les grands pays d’accueil demeurent le Canada,
l’Australie, le Brésil et le Mexique, les Etats-Unis et la France.
Dans cette communication, l’auteur passera en revue les grandes étapes
de l’histoire du phénomène migratoire libanais, la situation
qui prévaut actuellement et les raisons qui poussent les jeunes
à quitter définitivement leur pays.
Taoufik Belhareth, Faculté des Sciences
Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, Tunisia.
Commercial and cultural exchanges, and the Tunisian transportation
Dans le cadre de l'examen de la nature des relations entre l'Europe
et le Monde Arabe, cette communication étudie certains rapports
entre les échanges commerciaux et culturels en Tunisie et les caractéristiques
du système de transport tunisien. L'accent sera mis, en particulier,
sur l'effet des flux touristiques sur le profil du transport aérien,
du point de vue aire de recrutement des touristes voire du type du matériel
aéronautique. Le transport maritime, à son tour, est
étudié en fonction des effets des flux des échanges
qui se réalisent au niveau de Radès, le principal port tunisien
de marchandises diverses. Ces analyses aboutissent à dégager
une structuration importante du système de transport par le système
des échanges et, par effet de retour, une structuration du système
des échanges par celui des transports. Nous avons là un exemple
de l'intégration entre les deux rivages de la Méditerrannée
qui se consolide.
A. Bellatreche, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology.
La politique de conservation des sols en pays méditerranéens
: le cas de l’Algérie.
Les sols constituent une ressource non renouvelable indispensable à
la vie des générations actuelles et futures et exigent de
nous une protection continue. Dans certains pays, cette richesse
est menacée de nos jours par les phénomènes érosifs
sous l’influence de facteurs physiques – substrat géologique, système
de pentes, agressivité du climat - et anthropique – utilisation
irrationnelle, mauvaises techniques culturales… En Algérie du Nord,
ce phénomène a de tout temps mobilisé l’attention
des pouvoirs publics aussi bien durant la période coloniale qu’après
l’indépendance. Selon les objectifs et la catégorie sociale
visés, les politiques mises en œuvre se sont traduites sur le terrain
par des résultats mitigés et ce pour différentes raisons.
Les nombreuses observations récoltées sur terrain au cours
de plusieurs années de recherche dans le domaine, nous permettent
aujourd’hui de faire le point et surtout de tirer les conclusions qui s’imposent
en vue de rendre les mesures préconisées en matières
de conservation plus efficaces pour le bien être des générations
à venir.
Mohamed Benaali, Abdelmalik al-Saadi University,
Travelers literature: The process of formation of images about the
I and the Others—the case of Pierre Loti.
In Arabic—not yet online
Samia Benabbas-Kaghouche, Université
de Constantine, Algeria.
Les villes du monde arabe, entre une exploitation touristique factice
et la perte d’identité
Une lecture sur les villes arabo-musulmanes révèle qu’elles
étaient harmonieusement développées, et organisées
en réseaux pour des fins commerciales, culturelles, et religieuses.
Or la mondialisation veut faire de ce monde un espace unique et perméable,
formé essentiellement d’un grand centre puissant, entouré
de trois périphéries : annexée, exploitée
et intégrée. Le tourisme qui a connu un changement
considérable dans ce nouveau découpage mondial, se partage
essentiellement entre les tourismes d’affaires, scientifique ou d’achats.
Il a un intérêt contradictoire, selon que l’on se place du
point de vue des pays du centre ou de la périphérie, avec
une stratégie à la faveur des territoires « les mieux
dotés en actifs spécifiques ». Les occidentaux
pensent que les pays pauvres peuvent, par le tourisme, s’assurer des revenus
importants, sans investissements considérables, leurs territoires
devenus un réceptacle pour absorber les fantasmes du tourisme occidental.
Comment devrions-nous opérer pour attirer des capitaux et espérer
un développement local «pré-tracé», au
lieu de subir une forme de «colonisation» d’ordre économique?
Alors, en tant que pays arabo-musulmans, de la périphérie
exploitée, comment devrons-nous opérer pour rendre nos territoires
séduisants et attrayants à un tourisme de qualité,
ouvert sur un développement local et durable. Notre choix
s’est porté sur l’espace des médinas, lieu de grande consommation
touristique abusive. Comment se présentent t-elles?
Comment sont-elles perçues par les orientalistes, les chercheurs
et les urbanistes? Comment pouvons-nous concilier leur développement
local propre et leur ouverture sur le tourisme, notamment étranger?
Dans l’ère de la mondialisation, pouvons-nous renouer avec la chaîne
traditionnelle qui les liait historiquement à travers les différentes
pratiques de l’espace? Et sous quelle forme?
Joelle Ana Bergere Dezaphi, Université
Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Images du Maroc et relations Euromarocaines à travers le
récit de voyage au 19ème siècle: le cas de Charles
Didier: une promenade au Maroc.
Les récits de voyage ne constitutent pas seulement un corpus
littéraire. Ils sont également une source d’information
précieuse pour les géographes, les historiens, les politologues,
les psychosociologues, etc… Ainsi, en inscrivant notre travail dans cette
dernière perspective orientée plus précisément
vers la psychosociologie politique, nous adoptons une démarche analytique
du texte de Charles Didier, auteur suisse du début du XIX ème
siècle, sur son voyage réalisé au Maroc en 1834.
Ce récit, cité par plusieurs auteurs espagnols de la même
période, nous offre une richesse thématique dont les axes
fondamentaux versent sur les aspects suivants. D’une part, nous devons
soulignons la construction de deux systèmes de catégorisation
sociale relatifs aux puissances européennes présentes sur
la scène marocaine et aux différents groupes “ethniques”
formant la population du Maroc. Ces systèmes composés
d’éléments de l’ordre de la cognition et de l’évaluation,
qui s’articulent bien souvent avec les préjugés et la stéréotypie,
s’imbriquent avec la perception des systèmes social, politique,
économique, etc... Ainsi, il découle de l’analyse un tissu
de relations intergroupales en termes de in-group et out-group sur plusieurs
niveaux: en premier lieu, celui qui se refère à l’ordre international
entre l’Europe et le Maroc et en deuxième lieu, celui qui affecte
l’ordre interne européen et marocain. Enfin, il s’agit de
définir la connection qui existe entre l’ordre du discours, celui
du texte, et l’ordre des intentions de l’auteur, et ceci dans la mesure
où le récit de voyage implique une argumentation au service
d’un objectif implicite et explicite.
Siham Bestandji, Université de Constantine,
L’intervention coloniale sur l’espace urbain à Constantine
: « la droite contre la courbe.
Si la colonisation française a adopté le principe d’implantation
de l’espace colonial par juxtaposition (mitoyenneté externe) dans
nombre de territoires conquis, son mode d’existence dans l’espace constantinois
fut par pénétration de l’espace indigène (la Médina)
en adoptant le principe hygiéniste et les méthodes de percées
dites ‘Haussmanniennes’ car déjà pratiquées par le
Baron Haussmann dans Paris. Ce mode d’opérer donna lieu à
une coexistence d’entités socio-spatio-morphologiques antithétiques.
Car dans un espace fondé sur les méandres et la subtilité
de la courbe (tissu organique traditionnel) s’est superposé un quadrillage
(rectiligne signe de dominance et de conquête) donnant lieu à
une forme urbaine hybride et simultanément à une réaction
autochtone par la définition de nouveaux pôles d’identification
et à la réorganisation de l’espace médinois sur une
base ségrégrationnelle où prévalent actions
et réactions. L’indépendance de l’Algérie a bouleversé
le nouvel ordre établi. Ainsi a-t-on vu embryonner une nouvelle
perception de l’espace qui procède par assimilation des modèles
constitués. De nouveaux repères identitaires apparurent
faisant fusion de l’existant dans sa totalité et installant un ordre
de valeurs qui intègre les productions urbaines coloniales (maisons,
bâtiments, villas, …) en les situant au pus haut de la gamme hiérarchique.
Il y a eu donc consommation du produit colonial tel quel, en se l’appropriant
cependant selon quelque schéma mental d’essence traditionnel (urbain
ou rural). Aujourd’hui l’espace urbain produit s’avère le
reflet d’une ambivalence culturelle. Dans une société qui
cherche encore à se déterminer culturellement, les pratiques
constructives sont plus éloquentes que les discours des meilleurs
rhéteurs. L’on construit un balcon (modèle européen)
et l’on en fait une « épaisseur du mur « (modèle
traditionnel) ; l’on s’approprie des espaces de proximité dans les
grands ensembles et l’on éloigne la rue en épaississant la
façade; l’on ouvre une baie de la taille d’une forte-fenêtre
et l’on régule les rapports de l’extérieur: voir sans être
vu. L’espace urbain d’aujourd’hui est le produit du processus d’assimilation
de divers modèles, à tel point que l’on peut parler de référents
d’essence multiculturelle (Europe, Asie, Maghreb) qui tendent vers la production
d’une « catégorie nouvelle » à l’heure de la
Hassen Boubakri, Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain
(IRMC), Tunis, Tunisie.
Emigration internationale au Maghreb: du modèle traditionnel
aux nouveaux rôles.
In Arabic—not yet online
Brahim Brahamia, l'Université de
Constantine, Algérie.
Les systèmes de santé maghrébins, de la
tradition à l’urbanisation : référence au cas de l’Algérie.
L'organisation des systèmes de santé maghrébins
a été fortement influencée par l'optique occidentale
dévolue à l'action sanitaire; la plupart de ces pays ont
été longtemps soumis à la domination coloniale.
Avant la colonisation, il existait dans les pays du Maghreb comme dans
l'ensemble des pays arabes une certaine organisation sanitaire tirant ses
origines de la tradition et de la culture spécifiques, comme il
existait une conception propre de la médecine et des soins.
La médecine arabe étant bien connue des historiens et des
chercheurs. La colonisation a bouleversé souvent de façon
violente et la pratique médicale et l'organisation de l'espace.
Des pans entiers des prestations sanitaires traditionnelles ont été
balayés par l'introduction de la pratique médicale occidentale
qui a souvent exercé un effet de fascination sur les autochtones:
vaccins, antibiotiques, contraceptifs... A leur indépendance
ces pays se sont retrouvés avec des systèmes de santé
orientés vers l'action curative et s'avéraient inadaptés
à la réalité des besoins qui relèvent plutôt
de la prévention et des conditions économiques ou sociales
prévalantes. Les pouvoirs publics ont depuis fait des efforts
considérables dans le développement des ressources sanitaires:
professionnels de la santé, infrastructures sanitaires, équipements
divers. Or ils se trouvent de nos jours confrontés à
des problèmes multiples: disparités régionales dans
la couverture médicale des habitants, forte dépendance de
l'étranger en matière d'acquisition d'input -surtout les
médicaments-, insuffisance des moyens financiers destinés
au fonctionnement des structures de santé, difficultés d'adaptation
à des mutations intervenues dans les domaines démographiques,
épidémiologiques, économiques, etc. Notre exposé
consistera entre autre à mettre en évidence l'importance
de reconsidérer dans les pays du Maghreb - en nous référant
au cas de l'Algérie - l'orientation curative donnée aux systèmes
de santé en place et de focaliser l'attention sur les problèmes
qui se posent en matière de financement et de couverture sanitaire.
Nous traiterons des correctifs nécessaires qu'il faudrait apporter
à la réorientation des systèmes de santé sur
les axes de la prévention, sur la réhabilitation de la médecine
traditionnelle - loin cependant de l'irrationalité et de l'empirisme
-. Il s'agira de privilégier l'alliance de la modernité
et de la tradition dans l'approche de la résolution des problèmes
sanitaires des habitants en tenant compte de l'urbanisation mais aussi
des impacts encore très fort des retards accumulés dans le
domaine de l'alphabétisation des adultes notamment chez les femmes
et chez les habitants des zones rurales.
Khedidja Brahamia, University of Annaba,
Impacts spatiaux des flux étrangers sur la ville de Annaba.
La ville de Annaba de par sa situation géographique et son site
a de tout temps été un pôle d’attraction que ce soit
pour les populations locales ou étrangères. Comme la
majorité de villes du bassin méditerranéen, elle a
connu toutes les invasions de différentes civilisations; mais les
plus marquantes sur l’espace furent les plus récentes, c’est à
dire romaine, arabe, turque puis française. Les invasions
n’ont pas été les seules à marquer Annaba, mais différents
flux de population, sans caractère militaire, durant différentes
périodes se fondèrent et s’impliquèrent complètement
dans la vie sociale et par-là même sur l’espace de Annaba.
La proximité de l’Italie, de Malte et de la France furent sûrement
pour beaucoup dans l’échange de flux de toute sorte. Si aujourd’hui
on parle de population algérienne en France et en Italie, il en
est de même dans l’autre sens. Cet échange est
d’autant plus important que l’on ait assisté durant la période
coloniale française à une immigration importante de main
d’œuvre d’origine italienne, maltaise et autre, ajoutée au flux
français. Annaba est la ville algérienne qui
a subit le plus l’Européanisation. Celle-ci dura longtemps, bien
après le départ officiel de la France. Durant la période
post-coloniale, Annaba a continué à drainer diverses populations
avec tous les projets économiques qu’elle a connus. Cette
fois-ci, ce ne sont pas nos voisins immédiats mais tous les partenaires
du moment: Français, Anglais, Allemands, Japonais, Américains,
et citoyens de l’U.R.S.S. du moment et ceux de l’Europe de l’est, etc…
Ainsi, Annaba qui connaissait ses quartiers français, italiens et
maltais va connaître ses bases de vie, voire ses quartiers habités
soit par sa propre population, soit par ses partenaires économiques,
soit en cohabitation, portant les noms de ces derniers; ex: la plaine Ouest
comprend la Cité des Allemands et celle des Hongrois; la ville nouvelle
de Sidi Amar: les unités vicinales des Français, des Russes
et des Polonais. Si les unités urbaines ne portent pas toutes
ces noms, elles portent le nom de l’entreprise étrangère
ou nationale qui les a réalisées. Ceci porte-t-il à
nu la mondialisation certaine de la ville de Annaba? Ces faits récents
montrent que Annaba est avant tout un des plus grands ports de la Méditerranée
et naturellement une ville à vocation Nord-Sud / Sud-Nord.
A l’ouverture sur l’extérieur, elle a toujours été
prête dans le contexte géographique de la nouvelle formule
de mondialisation quelles étaient ses dispositions par rapport à
ses atouts et à ses acquis?
Stanley D. Brunn, University of Kentucky, Lexington,
Stamps of the Arab world: visual representations of history, culture,
politics, and landscapes.
Stamps are products of the state and like currency notes, flags,
coat-of arms, and maps. They are important because they depict visual
information the state wishes to convey not only for those residing within,
but beyond its borders. One can examine the themes, topics, and denominations
of stamps to learn about salient historical and contemporary events and
personalities, economic activities and development programs, cultural heritage,
and political relations, including treaties and conflicts, with neighboring
states. Decisions about the number of stamp issues, including their designs,
colors, and denominations, are additional crucial decisions made by government
leaders or advisory groups. During the last fifty years nearly 20,000 stamps
on 7500 themes were issued by nearly thirty Arab states; Egypt, Syria,
and Iraq were among the leaders in number of total stamps issued.
Stamps were issued depicting nature, crafts, holidays and festivals, monuments,
historical events, battles, royalty, major personalities, economic and
social development initiatives, environmental protection, and religious
events and leaders. National tourism is also promoted as are hosting
regional and international congresses and international conferences.
Boundary and territorial conflicts (especially related to Israel/Palestine)
are noted on some stamps; maps, vivid colors, symbols and language are
considered important emotional features of many with a political content.
Geographers and scholars from various disciplines can enhance their knowledge
of a state and region's culture, history, political leadership, environment,
and worldview through an examination of a state's stamp program and a careful
examination of the images (subtle and overt) messages conveyed on stamp
issues. There is no question but that visual representations are
becoming more important in knowledge created by state actors, whether by
stamps, national television programming and advertising, and official WWW
pages. Examples of stamp issues are included in the presentation.
Andrea Corsale, University of Cagliari, Italy.
Environmental policies and challenges in the oasis of Morocco.
After the collapse of trans-Saharan trade, agriculture is the
only relevant economic activity in the oases of Southern Morocco.
It is a region that heavily suffers from isolation, over-population and
shortage of natural resources, above all water, hence feeding a massive
emigration flux. At the same time, the even modest and belated state
investments in hydraulic infrastructures, together with the flow of migrants'
remittances, allow many small holders to experiment new irrigation and
agronomical techniques, and to create small capitalistic farms. The touristic
and urban development makes up new opportunities for the large number of
people, especially young families, who will to abandon agriculture.
The transition from a declining subsistence agriculture to a more diversified
and promising economy is full of dangers and uncertainty. New ways
of life, new consumption tendencies and new feeding habits clash with the
traditional relationship between men and local resources in an arid environment.
Moroccan institutions are still trying to find suitable ways to blend tradition
and modernity, but the lack of clear environmental and economic policies
(e.g. the postponement of the agrarian reform, or the tolerance towards
the illegal individual wells), seems to expose these delicate ecosystems
to chaotic transformations, which result in serious environmental problems
like sanding up, saline crusts and palm trees plagues.
Dominique Creton, France and Brigitte Dumortier,
La Sorbonne, France, and
Le tourisme comme composante des relations Euro - Arabes: le cas
de Dubai.
L'émirat de Doubai apparaît comme une destination touristique émergente dont le succès ne se dément pas depuis plusieurs années et qui présente une réelle originalité par rapport à d'autres destinations arabes anciennes (Egypte, Tunisie, Maroc), récentes (Jordanie) ou renaissantes (Liban) appréciées des touristes européens. Après avoir situé Dubaï dans un contexte touristique à différentes échelles (monde arabe, Machreq, Péninsule arabique, Emirats Arabes Unis), nous dresserons un bilan quantitatif et qualitatif des flux touristiques européens à Dubaï. Cette analyse servira d'introduction à une réflexion sur le potentiel touristique doubaïote, à première vue moins riche que celui de bien des pays arabes, et sa mise en valeur par une politique avisée qui ne peut pas être dissociée du projet global de développement économique de l'émirat. Nous montrerons comment à travers une stratégie de communication externe cohérente relayée par de grands évènements commerciaux et sportifs, Dubaï cherche non seulement à attirer des touristes européens mais surtout à propager une image d'ouverture conjuguant tradition et modernité, mettant en synergie activité touristique et activité commerciale, tourisme d'affaires et tourisme d'agrément. Notre communication s'attachera donc à la fois à présenter un aspect des migrations euro-arabes, les migrations temporaires de touristes, et à envisager le tourisme comme vecteur d'images du monde arabe en Europe.
Abdelkarim Daoud, Tunesia
See Djellouli
Mohamed Dbiyat, Institut Français des études Arabes
de Damas, Syria.
Arabe geography from Ancient times to the present Internet era.
In Arabic—not yet online
Abderrahmane Diafat, Said Madani and Abdelmalek Tacherifte, Université
F. A. de Sétif, Algeria.
Mondialisation et tourisme: patrimoine en jachère à
Sétif – Algérie.
Cette contribution consiste à investiguer les possibilités
d'intégration de la région de Sétif dans l'espace
méditerranéen à travers ses potentialités touristiques
qui restent encore inexploitées. Cette prise de conscience
est nécessaire aujourd'hui car toute la région est appelée
à diversifier ses ressources pour assurer un meilleur équilibre
économique. Avec les tendances actuelles de la mondialisation,
les pays du Maghreb ont tous les atouts pour jouer un rôle important
dans les échanges entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée
par la collaboration à des projets de développement socio-économique
et culturel ambitieux qui peuvent propulser les secteurs de tourisme, l'agriculture
et l'horticulture, etc. Le tourisme représente de nos jours
l'une des activités relais les plus aptes à créer
une dynamique économique dans les zones frappées par le chômage
et la paupérisation. Le patrimoine qui est considéré
comme un atout majeur pour le développement touristique peut, en
retour, gagner notoriété et tirer profit pour sa sauvegarde.
Le succès du tourisme, du point de vue économique, ne doit
pas se faire au détriment du patrimoine qui est fort par son enracinement
dans notre histoire, mais qui est très fragile par son exposition
à tous les aléas de la vie moderne. La compréhension
du rapport tourisme-patrimoine est primordiale avant leur conjugaison systématique.
Abderrahmane Diafat, Algeria
See Madani
Abderrahmane Diafat, Algeria
See Tacherifte
Yamna Djellouli, Université du Maine,
Le Mans, France, and Abdelkarim Daoud, Université de Sfax, Tunisie.
Quelles alternatives de développement pour les hautes steppes
tunisiennes et les hautes plaines steppiques du sud ouest algérien?
Bien que présentant beaucoup de similitudes quant à leurs
conditions naturelles, les hautes plaines steppiques du sud-ouest algérien
et les hautes steppes tunisiennes ont connu des politiques de développement
différentes depuis les indépendances. Le travail que
nous soumettons propose, par une approche comparative, de présenter
et d’évaluer les expériences de développement connues
par ces deux espaces, et de poser la problématique de l’alternative
face aux différents processus de dégradation mis en place.
Les conditions du milieu naturel dans les deux espaces offrent beaucoup
plus de contraintes que d’avantages. Les mutations connues par les
hautes steppes tunisiennes ont entraîné l’extension de l’arboriculture
et de l’irrigation, l’amélioration du niveau de vie en général
et la croissance des villes. Dans les hautes plaines du sud ouest
algérien, la richesse relative de la biomasse a maintenu la vocation
pastorale de ces espaces. Le travail proposé évoquera
dans une première partie les éléments du milieu naturel
dans les deux espaces étudiés, en expliquant leur fragilité.
Ensuite, il tentera une rétrospective comparée des politiques
de développement suivies et dressera un bilan critique pour chaque
cas, en insistant davantage sur les ruptures d’équilibre des milieux
naturels. Enfin, il tentera de proposer une alternative de développement
de ces deux espaces, tenant compte de leurs potentialités en sols
et en eau, mais également de leurs contraintes.
Alasdair Drysdale, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH, USA.
Population dynamics and family planning in Oman.
According to Omans 1994 census, over one-third of its population
was under the age of ten and almost half under fifteen, with the result
that the sultanate experienced an extremely high dependence ratio reflected
in the exceptionally wide base of its age-sex pyramid. The crude
birth rate was officially estimated to be 40.3/1,000 and the total fertility
rate was put at 6.9, one of the highest rates in the world. However,
this tells only part of the story. According to the census, women
between the ages of 40 and 44 had an average of 8.13 children each and
those between the ages of 35 and 39 had a fertility rate of 7.98.
Among women aged 40-44, roughly 50 percent had given birth to nine or more
children and 38 percent claimed to have had ten or more live births.
If the much larger cohort of females that has not yet reached childbearing
age were to replicate or approach the patterns of their mothers, Omans
future demographic situation would be dire indeed. But Omans rapid
rate of natural increase has recently showed signs of slowing sharply.
The government in 1999 estimated the crude birth rate at 30/1000 and the
total fertility rate at 4.6 (although the Population Reference Bureau in
Washington still estimates these at 43/1000 and 7.1 and places natural
increase at 3.9 percent annually, which translates into a population doubling
time of only 18 years). Some of the decrease in the birth rate can
be attributed to large-scale social changes, such as the massive expansion
of education for both females and males at all levels in the sultanate,
an increase in the age of marriage, a growth in female employment in the
modern sector, and changing ideas about ideal family size, Equally important,
however, has been Omans ambitious birth spacing program, which was inaugurated
in October 1994. Its announced goal was to improve the health of
mothers and children by lengthening the interval between births.
However, the program was also clearly designed to bring down the crude
birth rate in a culturally acceptable way by placing emphasis on the health
of the family, rather than its size. As part of the program the Ministry
of Health made intrauterine contraceptive devices, oral contraceptive pills,
injectable contraceptives, and condoms available at no cost throughout
the sultanate in its facilities and clinics, where the great majority of
Omanis receive their medical care. Birth spacing counseling is closely
integrated with the delivery of services to mothers and children and incorporated
into antenatal and postnatal care. A large program infrastructure
has been built, and birth spacing services are now available in even the
most remote clinics in the country. Because of its sensitive nature,
the birth spacing program from the start has been grounded in an information,
education, and communication campaign to change reproductive behavior,
health knowledge, and social attitudes.
Brigitte Dumortier, France
See Creton.
Eckart Ehlers, University of Bonn, Germany.
The Mediterranean city-- Arab and Western encounters: Traditions
and futures.
The purpose of my paper will be to define the Mediterranean as
a region of its own and-- from a European perspective-- with geographical
and historical features nowhere else to be found in Europe. The same,
of course holds true for the Near Eastern and North African context where
syncretisms of Eastern and Western cultures are as prominent as Arab-Islamic
influences in Southern Europe. In other words: the idea of the Mediterranean
as a "mare nostrum" will play a prominent part in these deliberations.
Fabrizio Eva, University of Milan, Italy.
Italian tourists in North Africa, Muslim migrants in Italy: a question
of (extra) territoriality.
Over the last 20 years two flows of people have been crossing
the Mediterranean Basin in growing numbers: Italian tourists traveling
to the southern shores and the Red Sea, and legal and illegal immigrants,
mainly from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, but also Senegal and Lebanon, traveling
The flow of tourists has been so strong that over the last decade numerous
hotels and tourist villages have been built catering for even the most
demanding tourists. In some areas veritable tourist enclaves have
sprung up in which lifestyles are based around the economic raison d’être
to of the area and the culture of the place of origin of the tourists.
The different, and opposite, economic options of immigrants and tourists
have provoked a symmetrical use of territory that sees tourism creating
conditions of extraterritoriality: enclaves; the modification and subjection
of territory to satisfy the tastes/needs of tourists; European-style behavior,
further stimulated by the entertainment, relaxation, and other needs of
tourists. Meanwhile the pressures created by different individuals inserted
in the normal settings and customs of daily life frightens a percentage
of local populations, who are increasingly demanding greater territorial
control and for new arrivals to assimilate with existing social norms.
In other words, while on the one hand, as ‘guests’, tourists’ cultural
customs are not seen as a threat and steps are made to cater to them, on
the other, when people are hosts there is a fear of cultural colonization
and efforts are made to modify different behavior. A geographic and
cultural analysis founded on the nature of the tourist enclaves and the
headlines appearing in Italian daily newspapers regarding the customs of
Muslim migrants highlights the concepts of territoriality/extraterritoriality
present in the dynamics of this situation.
Ghazi Falah, University of Akron, OH, USA.
The use and abuse of European travellers' narratives for the (re)writing
of Palestine historical geography.
This paper provides a critical reading of (1) the way in which
Palestine's cultural landscape and the indigenous people of Palestine have
been represented in the eyes of European travellers and explorers; and
(2) how these representations have been subsequently "filtered" into Israeli
texts and used by Zionist writers and others to (re)write a modern, albeit
distorted historical geography of Palestine. My basic thesis is that
earlier travellers' interest in the exploration of Palestine was by and
large developed in the context of Western imperial expansion, and looking
at the country in terms of the sacred past-- as the setting of biblical
events-- but not the present, as a land with its own specific quality and
locus. Modern writers, especially though not exclusively Israeli,
have further distorted Palestine's historical geography by selectively
manipulating and interpreting certain events and historical facts in order
to give legitimacy to the ultimate claim of Zionism to the land under the
sovereignty of the state of Israel. The net result is that much of
Palestine's Arab landscape has been "de-historicized," "de-Arabized" or
as Keith Whitelam (1998) put it, has been "silenced." I further argue
that any attempt to understand Palestine's historical geography has to
take into account the social and political context in which previous European
and Israeli studies were carried out and for what kind of audiences they
were written. One should also bear in mind that the way the past
is understood (or made to be understood) invariably has very important
consequences for the present. This is all too true in the case of
Palestine/Israel, where the occupation and colonization of Arab space is
still the order of the day.
Slim Gahbiche, Université de Tunis
1, Hammam-Sousse, Tunisie.
Le tourisme et les limites spatiales du centre ville de Sousse en
1997 (Tunisie).
Nous exposons dans notre étude une recherche sur l’effet dialectique
entre le centre de la ville de Sousse en Tunisie et la présence
touristique (surtout européenne qui est la majoritaire) sur sa délimitation
spatiale. Le premier volet de cette étude concerne la question:
Comment et où se présente la spatialité touristique
dans le centre ville de Sousse en 1997? On a supposé que la
présence touristique intense dans la ville ait crée un effet
catalyseur sur les limites spatiales du centre de la ville de Sousse vers
les localités proprement dites touristiques. Donc, nous avons essayé
de confirmer ou d’infirmer cette hypothèse suivant trois approches:
- topologique (l’accessibilité du centre ); - économique
(la rentabilité monétaire des activités du centre);
- phénoménologique (la perception spatiale du centre).
Le deuxième volet de cette étude concerne la question suivante:
Comment et où faut-il intervenir pour que le tourisme soit motivateur
de la dynamique spatiale du centre ville de Sousse en 1997? L’analyse
du rapport entre les taux de la rentabilité et les taux de l’accessibilité
nous a fourni une base de données sur les valeurs manquantes qui
pourraient assurer une dynamique spatiale des limites du centre.
L’analyse cartographique de ces données a fourni une identification
spatiale des localités nécessitantes une intervention au
point de vue de leurs rentabilités et de leurs accessibilités
afin d’assurer la dynamique spatiale synchronique du centre. Les
résultats ont montré que les lieux du centre qui manquent
le plus de valeurs d’accessibilité et de rentabilité, sont
en plein cœur de la zone littorale touristique. Le tourisme serait
donc à ce stade un acteur de dysfonctionnement du centre ville,
puisqu’il occupe le terrain central sans lui motiver la rentabilité,
ni l’accessibilité.
Maria-Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Autonomous University
of Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain.
A gendered colonial encounter: European women in the Arab world.
It has been asserted that women's and men's travel narratives
are fundamentally different. Thus, women's differential access to
the dominant imperial position produced a gaze on the Orient that registered
differences in less pejorative ways than men. But the analysis of
the intersection of gender, race and class discourses problematizes these
opinions, and gives evidence that in women's narratives one can find sites
of resistance to colonialism as well as sites of complicity, depending
on the individual women's positioning in this intersection. Nevertheless,
although women's narratives do not necessarily deviate from the predominant
Orientalist discourse, their texts are, indeed, specifically gendered.
The study of two women travellers, Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904) and Gertrude
Bell (1868-1926), sheds light on the complexity of attitudes towards colonialism
that can result from a combined analysis of gender, class and race. Isabelle
(who visited Algeria and Tunisia) was frequently torn between identifying
with their race and class or with their gender, and among the colonial
officers hold a reputation of being an enemy of France as well as profoundly
Algerianized; but, at the end, she gradually reached a compromised position
in relation to General Lyautey's colonial policies regarding French penetration
in the Sahara. Instead, Gertrude Bell was a traveller and a scholar
who used her knowledge, her travels and her position (as Oriental Secretary
at Bagdadh) to promote the cause of the British Empire; she fully identified
with the colonial policy of her country and played an important role in
the design of the geopolitical map of the Middle East after WWI.
Naim Ghali, Faculté des lettres Manouba,
Les unités hotelières exploitées par des tours-opérateurs
européens: le cas de la Tunisie.
Le recours des établissements touristiques tunisiens à
la gestion de leurs hôtels par des sociétés étrangères
et surtout européennes devient de plus en plus fréquent.
L'intervention des tours-opérateurs européens dans l'exploitation
des unités hôtelières en Tunisie est un phénomène
généralisé, il touche les différentes régions
touristiques du pays et surtout les zones côtières qui marquent
les indices d'intervention les plus élevés telles que la
région Hammamet-Nabeul, et Djerba-Zarzis. Cet article se propose
de présenter: - les formes de cette intervention et sa repartition
spatiale; - l'analyse des objectifs et des déterminants de cette
intervention; - l'évaluation des activités des tours-opérateurs
européens en Tunisie sur le plan économique.
Derek Gregory, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Reading Cairo, performing Cairo, 1798-1914.
This paper seeks to go beyond conventional representations of
'reading the city' by showing how renderings of Cairo 'as a book' by both
European and American travellers depended on a series of *practices* and
*performances* that at once invoked and inscribed a profoundly colonial
constellation of power. I open with the ways in which the French
army of occupation sought to produce Cairo between 1798 and 1801 as an
object of knowledge, at once strategic and scientific, and hence capable
of appropriation - and, in the colonial fantasy of annexation, of reconstruction
- within an avowedly European space of Reason. The expeditionary
force sought to script Cairo through a series of textualizations, each
of which had performative force, and I consider the importance of the printed
proclamations and decrees issued by the army, the enumerations and essays
produced by the scholars who accompanied the expedition for the 'Description
de l'Egypte', and the responses of the local population to these encroachments.
I contrast these attempts with those of post-Napoleonic travellers to construe
Cairo as a space of Fantasy, as 'the city of the Arabian Nights'. I pay
particular attention to the pivotal role of Edward Lane and the intimate
connections he sought to establish between his "Manners and customs of
the Modern Egyptians" (1836) and his translation of the "Arabian Nights'
Entertainments" (1839-41). I show how Lane figured Cairo as a performed
space of costumes, gestures and movements, rather than a produced space
of topographies, streets and buildings; I identify the ways in which, even
as he struggled to turn Cairo into an object of knowledge, the city thus
constantly appeared in his writings as a space in which fantasy, desire
and corporeality collided; and I explore the practical, performative consequences
of these textualizations for both tourists and inhabitants of the city
through the nineteenth and on into the early twentieth centuries.
M. Guendouz and H. Rebbouh, Houari Boumediene
University of Science and Technology, Bab Ez – Zouar, Alger, Algérie.
L’eau dans le monde arabe : une ressource rare ; objet de concurrences
et de conflits.
Les économies arabes se caractérisent de plus en plus
par leur dépendance vis a vis de l’étranger et par des moyens
de production encore archaïques et /ou dépassés. Aux
portes du troisième millénaire le monde arabe se trouve confronté
à des défis multiples qui résulteraient de : - déséquilibres
chroniques des balances de paiements, - contexte économique difficile,
- poids de la dette extérieure, - l’exploitation insuffisante des
potentialités naturelles. Le monde arabe est la région du
monde où les disponibilités en eau et en sol par habitant
sont les plus faibles. Le partage des ressources en eau par les différents
utilisateurs est déjà source de graves conflits et parfois
de concurrences acharnées. Les tensions autour de cette ressource
précieuse risquent de devenir dans un proche avenir de plus en plus
vives sous la pression de : - une croissance démographique et urbaine
spectaculaires, - une augmentation exponentielle des besoins alimentaires,
- une sécheresse cyclique ou endémique, - des dommages causés
par la pollution, - la réduction des quantités d’eau mobilisées
en raison de phénomènes érosifs non encore maîtrisés
etc... A ces innombrables et difficiles interrogations et face aux défis
de la mondialisation, il est fondamental aujourd’hui pour le monde arabe
d’agir solidairement pour mettre au point une politique unifiée
de coopération inter-régionale avantageuse. Dans cette
région du monde où l’eau est une ressource et un bien
économique rare; une hydrostratégie est en train de se mettre
en place. Elle est en revanche effective au moyen orient autour des eaux
du Jourdain, du Nil, du Tigre, de l’Euphrate ou au Maghreb autour des aquifères
du Sahara. L’eau est aujourd’hui sujet de discordes entre nations;
objet de concurrences et de disputes entre la ville; l’industrie,
l’agriculture car elle est de plus en plus coûteuse à mobiliser.
Carmelina Gugliuzzo and Giuseppe
Restifo, University of Messina, Italy.
Colonialism, empire and the microbes: Mediterranean epidemiological
environment and British sanitary polices in 19th century.
Malta is an interesting field of observation regarding the colonial
environment polices in the Mediterranean. We consider specifically the
epidemiological environment in the 19th century and the British polices.
In Malta there were strict quarantine regulations formulated by the Knights
of St. John during the period of their domination in the Maltese archipelago,
until the year 1798. After a short French presence, started the new domination
of the British empire. A new sanitary policy was carried on by the local
English government: the quarantine regulations were enforced by a Commissioner
of Health and his staff of twelve to eighteen Guardians of Health, especially
after the plague epidemics of 1813-1814. Following a Royal Commission in
1838, the Water Police and the Quarantine departments were amalgamated
under the Superintendent of Quarantine, who became an important dignitary
in Malta. A review of measures to prevent disease gave rise to a comprehensive
set of regulations which were later consolidated in a special ordinance
embodied in Maltese law. The next major changes took place in 1885 and
1895, with the formation of the Public Health Department, which later became
responsible for the quarantine services and the lazarettos. The paper will
consider a possible comparison with the colonial environmental policies
in the opposite side of Maghreb.
Hein de Haas, CIDIN (Centre for International
Development Issues Nijmegen), University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Migration and development in the sending areas: The case of the
Moroccan Todgha valley.
The Todgha valley is a river oasis located in the arid province of Ouarzazate in southern Morocco. The valley is characterised by a strong tradition of migration to the big cities on the Atlantic coast and Western Europe. This research project aims to analyse the interactions of this out-migration with general socio-economic and spatial transformations in Morocco in general and the Todgha in specific. The focus of the analysis is to what extent and in what way migration contributes to the local economic development, and it seeks to explain spatial, intra-valley differentation in economic development. The field research (1998-2000) consisted of a survey among approximately 600 households as well as open interviews in six different villages in the valley. The research was part of the EC-financed, international research project on migration and agricultural transformations in the Maghreb (IMAROM, 1998-2001), co-coordinated by the author on behalf of the University of Amsterdam. The research has revealed that migration has been remarkably continuous. In the period 1954-2000, the share of the total population that lives abroad, has remained almost constant on a high level of 6%. In the research villages, one third to two third of the households is involved in international migration. Most other households are involved in internal migration. Migration remittances are the most important source of cash income for such households.Quite in contrast to many former studies on this subject, which (partly inspired by structuralist ‘dependencia’ paradigms) tend to be very pessimistic on the development potentials of migration, the research demonstrated that an important part of the migration remittances flows back in the local economy through local expenses and investments in various sectors. Moreover, migrant households seem to have a higher propensity to invest than nonmigrants. However, a number of political-economic, institutional as well as physical obstacles deter many potential investors, which lead to the conclusion that the potentials of migration for local development are not fully exploited.
Abderrahim Hafiane, Annaba, Algérie.
Les influences européennes sur l’urbanisme: les normes et
règles dans le cas des villes algériennes.
Les grandes villes algériennes ont été marquées par la colonisation française qui a procédé à son début à une intervention sur les médinas pour mieux les contrôler par un tracé urbain régulateur. Le développement des villes s’est effectué selon des tracés réguliers en trames orthogonales ou ordonnées géométriquement contrairement aux tracés hiérarchisés et irréguliers des médinas. Ces formes urbaines devaient marquer une différenciation spatiale entre espaces européens et espaces indigènes. Cette logique se traduisait par une dualité spatiale corroborée par une coexistence de deux cadres juridiques d’occupation de l’espace, selon un droit positif pour les Européens et le droit coutumier pour les autochtones. La période post-coloniale a vu d’abord la reconduction de la législation urbaine française dans son intégralité ensuite à partir de 1975, l’élaboration de textes algérianisés mais reproduisant la même logique sur une population qui dans sa majorité n’avait pas été concernée par la législation française ni par les normes et règles d’occupation et d’organisation de l’espace qui en découlaient. Le développement des instruments d’urbanisme réglementaire s’est effectué sur une inspiration systématique des modèles français (SDAU = PUD, PDAU, ZAC = ZHUN…) considérant les règles qui les sous-tendent comme des procédures techniques absolues sans autres fondements. Les conséquences de cette démarche sur l’espace, son appropriation, son usage, sont multiples et complexes et s’étendent jusqu’à créer des rapports conflictuels entre administration de l’urbanisme et usagers de l’espace. L’image singulière des villes actuelles et la problématique de l’urbanisation semblent découler en partie de cette ambivalence. Notre intervention tentera de saisir l’impact de quelques normes et règles d’urbanisme actuellement en vigueur sur les dysfonctionnements constatés entre intentions et usages réels.
Abderrahim Hafiane, Algeria.
The European influences on the urbanism: Norms and rules in case
of Algerian cities.
Algerian big cities have been marked by French colonization that proceeded, in the beginning, to an intervention on "medinas" to control them more by a regulating urban tracing. The development of cities took place according to the regular tracings in orthogonal plots or neat geometrically, contrary to the hierarchized and irregular tracings of medinas. These urban shapes had to mark a spatial differentiation between European spaces and indigenous spaces. This logic resulted in a spatial duality corroborated by a coexistence of two legal settings of occupation of the space, according to a positive right for the European and the common law for natives. The post - colonial period, first, saw the renewal of the French urban legislation in its entirety, then from 1975 the development of texts "algerianises" [becoming Algerian] replicating however the same logic on a population that, in its majority, had not been concerned by the French legislation nor by norms and rules of occupation and organization of the space that of it ensued. The development of operational urbanism instruments took place on a systematic French model inspiration (SDAU = PUD, PDAU, ZAC =ZHUN.); considering rules that underlie them as the absolute technical procedures without other foundations. The consequences of this proceeding on space, its appropriation, its use, is multiple and complex and spreads until to create some contradictory reports between administration of the urbanism and users of space. The singular picture of the present cities and the problematic of urbanization seems to ensue in part of this ambivalence. Our intervention will tempt to seize some norm impact and rules of urbanism currently in force on dysfunctions noted between intentions and real users.
Karim Hamdy, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
On-line environmental information in the Mediterranean region: Is
there a Digital Divide?
Many believe that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
are the "great equalizer" between rich and poor countries. The recent but
persistent rolling back of the global dominance of English on the Internet
is a powerful symbol for the leveling of the field, between rich and poor,
regarding on-line "presence." A case in point is environmental information.
Two groups of countries face each other in the Mediterranean Basin with
a stark economic divide between north and south, rich and poor, have and
have-not. What impact do the ICTs have on the flow of environmental information
around this basin? Does the "European Center" hold?, or does the
"periphery" play a more prominent role in producing, shaping, and disseminating
environmental information? A quick electronic search using various
combinations of keywords turns up a dizzying array of leads, links, and
web sites. Much more than almost any other geo-strategic issue, the environment
is perceived as a mutual stake and a common risk with high transboundary
spillover potential. So government, as well as private, regional, and international
entities have been putting out on-line documents and portals dealing with
it. This paper attempts to answer the question: Is there a digital
divide in spite of the tools made available by ITCs? Given the ephemeral
nature of on-line information, the focus will be on analyzing the on-line
patterns, quality and flow of information at a specific time, a snapshot,
so to speak, i.e. about one month before the conference. The scope will
be limited to one representative item: water.
Salah Hathout, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
The use of spatial and non-spatial information systems/ analyses
for predicting crop dynamics in the Nile Delta, Egypt.
Changing in crop dynamics are examined by employing a time series
index for vegetation coverage using NOAA satellite imagery covering the
period from January to June 1999. It also examines the sustainability of
land to support various crops i.e. is cropping land area being decreased
or increased over time. Crop dynamics/changes are investigated using a
combination of multi-regression spatial analysis and Markovian non-spatial
analysis. The Markovian analysis is based on the premise that a past
event has an influence on a subsequent event. It is also based on the data
for a minimum of two different time periods. The accuracy of this prediction
depends on a regular trend of change. The Markov chain analysis is used
for predicting the changes for a group of features. This method is based
on the transitional probability of changes within and between classes.
It computes the frequency of a predicted class of factors calculated from
two absolute periods of time. In both analyses, a combination of
two periods are used. For example, January and February out of six periods
(January, February, March, April, May, June) can be used to investigate
the sustainability of land for crops for the third period, namely March.
The last two periods, May and June, are used for the prediction of the
last period, namely July. Markov analysis examines the changes vegetation
pattern of land used for sustainable crops under normal condition in terms
of no drought and or no disease occurrence. Multi-regression analysis prediction
uses assessment of factors contributing to the variation of the changes
of vegetation index as a function of the two selected time series (Ma periods),
the distance from urban areas, the distance from roads, and the distance
from sources of water such as rivers and or major irrigation canals.
The result of this study indicates that the spatial prediction analysis
using multi-regression were found to be very useful for showing the significant
impact of each factor that contributed to the prediction of crops dynamics.
The non-spatial prediction using Markovian analysis on the other hand shows
the impact of the combined factors on the vegetation index in general and
on the crops dynamic in particular in the Delta region. While the multi-
regression analysis points at the location of significant changes of crop
dynamics, the Markovian analysis presents the most non-spatial significant
prediction of crops dynamic change. In summery, this study shows that,
by combining both analyses, one can improve not only the trend of land
sustainability, but also predict the impact of the present sustainability
on the future sustainability of crops dynamics.
Fouad Ibrahim, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
The Egyptian diaspora in Germany.
To assess the social interactions of Egyptian immigrants in Germany,
several of their fields of action have been chosen for an ongoing empirical
study, which is carried out with the help of interviews and participatory
observation. Among the action fields analysed are social networking and
religious activities. Religious belonging is one of the main factors for
networking among the Egyptian immigrants in the German diaspora. Both Muslims
and Christians alike have experienced a religious revival while living
abroad, partly in response to the developments in Egypt, partly also as
a protective mechanism to cope with the cultural hegemony in the diaspora.
First results of the study show that Egyptian Muslims in Germany have few
connections with Egyptian Muslim networks in other parts of the world or
in Egypt. The Islamic networks they try to join are dominated by
Turks, by Iranians, Moroccans or members of other larger Muslim immigrant
groups. The networking of the Egyptian Copts living in the German
diaspora has been enhanced by the Coptic Church since the 1960s, and their
contacts may reach to the USA, to Canada and Australia, where large Egyptian
diasporas exist.
Jessica Jacobs, Open University, UK.
Gender and the Euro-Arab encounter: European women on holiday in
My paper looks at tourism as a site for the Euro-Arab encounter
and discusses the effect of gender on Euro-Arab relations. I explore the
issue of European women tourists who engage in relationships with 'native'
Arab male tourist workers in order to explore the questions this raises
about relationship to place, desire, 'natives' and power relations between
Europe and the Arab world. My paper aims to examine some of the essentialisms
constructed around gender and racial identities that position both women
and the non-white world as passive objects of white Western/male desire.
Do the sexual relationships between 'local' men and European women tourists
contest or reinforce hegemonic and stereotypical notions of gender and
race? My research is based on qualitative interviews with 60 men
and women who live, work or holiday in the tourist resorts of the Sinai
desert in Egypt. Geographical imaginations play an important role in influencing
the activities and expectations of tourists. Difference is expected
and time and place are particularly important in the construction of the
tourist experience and the consequent activities of tourists. How
does the representation of both Arabs and deserts - in colonial and postcolonial
travel literature, films etc - impact on the expectations and actions of
European tourists. Conversely how does the representation of the European
female impact on the expectations and actions of the Egyptian and Bedouin
Martin S. Kenzer, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA.
Malta: an island of refuge, past, present, and probably in
the future.
Malta--due to its peculiar location in the central Mediterranean--has
served as a literal island of refuge for a large number of forced migrants
throughout recorded history. In modern times alone, people fleeing
from such diverse locales as Sicily, Sardinia, Greece, Albania, Spain,
Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, the former Yugoslavian nations, Lebanon,
Israel, and Morocco (among others) have all found sanctuary in Malta.
In pre-modern times, the island of Malta became renowned as a safe haven
for a huge assortment of peoples, from a wide array of places bordering
on and near enough to the Mediterranean, and it is because of this somewhat
unique legacy of asylum toward outsiders that Malta today contains such
a rich and diverse, multi-ethnic and tolerant, society. This paper
will show distinct patterns of growth in Malta's past that coincide with
Malta's ever-increasing notoriety for acceptance for those fleeing persecution.
I shall also extend this survey into the future, to anticipate possible
growth rates on Malta, most specifically of new, likely foreigners in the
vicinity of the island who are presently in, or approaching, the status
of forced migrants.
Mohamed Salah Khadraoui, Faculté de lettres La Manouba, Tunisie.
L'impact de la modernité sur le plan des grandes villes maghrébines
et ses limites: Tunis comme exemple.
La modernité en tant que courant civilisationnel qui a pris naissance
en Europe et qui est en cours de gagner progressivement le reste du monde
est un processus tridimensionnel : a) une dimension sociale symbolisée
par l’élimination de l’absolutisme de la famille, des cellules de
production, et de l’appareil d’Etat ; et par l’instauration des libertés
individuelles ; b) une dimension économique représentée
par la liberté des initiatives économiques ; c) une dimension
culturelle matérialisée par le rationalisme et le déchaînement
des explorations scientifiques et technologiques. A partir de l’analyse
de l’extension spatiale de la ville de Tunis, nous proposons de relever
les influences de la modernité sur le développement urbain
de cette ville en tant qu’un cas replicable à l’échelle maghrébine.
La médina ou le noyau de la ville est l’héritage d’une étape
historique antémoderne. L’interdiction de l’usage du chariot, même
à la classe aisée, pour qu’il demeure réservé
au souverain, est responsable du maintien des ruelles étroites lors
de la croissance urbaine de la ville à l’époque moderne.
Il a fallu une intervention européenne en 1857 pour imposer au souverain
tunisien le respect des libertés. La révolution des transports
du XXème siècle ainsi qu’une gestion municipale de l’extension
urbaine de la ville ont contribué à la création d’une
ville au plan orthogonal juxtaposée à la médina. Par
ailleurs, la ville de Tunis n’a pas été à l’écart
des mutations urbaines des grandes villes occidentales : la sortie des
couches sociales aisées du noyau vers les banlieues (exurbanisation),
puis le retour des opulents à la médina rénovée
(gentrification). Cependant on peut relever à cet égard une
caractéristique des villes du monde en développement ; l’autoconstruction.
Nous interprètons le phénomène par les difficultés
de l’application de la loi étant donné que la première
dimension de la modernité demeure encore inachevée.
Rassem Khamaisi, University of Haifa, Israel.
The legacy of the British system and its impact in shaping Palestinian
In Arabic—not yet online
Andrej Kreutz, The University of Calgary, Canada.
Geopolitics of Post-Soviet Russia and the Middle East.
The new Russian state created after the dissolution of the Soviet
Union in December 1991 is neither a simple continuation of its legal Soviet
predecessor nor of the former Russian Empire which ended during World War
I in 1917. In fact it is a new socio-political entity with new geographical
boundaries and a very different geopolitical environment and set of interests.
At the same time, however, in the foreign policy-making of the new Moscow
there are still some persisting geopolitical and socio-cultural factors
which link this great country to certain regions and/or major international
trends of development. In spite of all its present-day economic and
political weakness and the potential military threat from the West due
to NATO expansion, Moscow is still very much interested in the Middle Eastern
region as a whole, including the Arab World and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
In my paper I will analyze the causes and forms of the Russian involvement
in the region, taking into account both new and old geopolitical factors,
economic interests and the socio-cultural and religious aspects which are
strictly interwoven with them, the impact of which on Russian political
thought and behaviour is often underestimated. Russia is the home
country for about 20 million Muslim people, whose numbers are rapidly increasing,
and the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian culture in general have many
oriental elements and traditions. In further discussion of the latter
I will pay particular attention to the concept of Eurasianism and its repercussions
in present-day Russian politics under the impact of Post-Cold War U.S.
hegemony, European integration and the worldwide globalization processes.
Michael A. Kukral, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terra Haute,
Indiana, USA.
Czechs and Arabs: a thousand years of relations.
During my year as a Fulbright Fellow in Prague, Czechoslovakia,
I became interested in research agendas, historical ties, and international
relations between the Arab states and the Czech people. I could find
very little information at that time and began to search for Czech scholars
and linguists with interests in Czech-Arab connections. As a result
of my investigations, this paper will look at the history of contact between
these two cultures. There is very limited research on nearly all
Arab-Slav relations (except for Arab-Russian), and changing political realities
have opened the Czech Republic to greater international contact, including
exchanges of goods and scholars, with the Arab world. The earliest
known descriptions of the Czech capital of Prague were written by an Arab
merchant traveler, and in the Medieval period the Kingdom of Bohemia (home
of the Czech nation), was an active participant in the Crusades.
In the 14th century the Bohemian kingdom was perhaps the most powerful
in Central Europe and Prague was capital of the entire Holy Roman Empire.
Indeed, the first university in Central Europe was founded here in 1348
(Charles University) and there is evidence of the involvement of Arab scholars.
Arab astronomers, chemists, alchemists, and mathematicians were found at
the court of Rudolf II in Prague in the late 1500s, and by the 19th century
Arabs and Czechs lived in bordering empires: the Ottoman and the Austrian
Habsburg. During the 20th century political winds and wars created new
alliances between Czechs and Arabs. Czech military legions trained in Egypt
during their fight for an independent Czechoslovak state in World War One
and later during the communist era new alliances were formed with specific
Arab states. This paper will examine the interaction of the Czech
and Arab people from the past to the present. The historical alliances
not only of governments, but also of scholars and Czech "orientalists"
working on Arab questions and problems, will be examined. As the
Czech Republic will soon become a member of the European Union, the relations
and history between the Czech and Arab people is a valid and important
brick in the bridge to better understanding and cooperation among these
Belkacem Labii. Université de Constantine,
El Khroub, Constantine, Algérie.
Les contresens des échanges culturels euro-arabes ; le cas
de la formation des Algériens en Europe.
Déjà dans les années 1970, on peut dire que l’Algérie
a été précurseuse du fait de mondialisation par le
biais d’une politique de formation universitaire ouverte qui donnait l’occasion
à toutes les nationalités (coopérants) de se rencontrer
en un même lieu (l’Algérie) avec une mission commune, et d’amorcer
des échanges culturels durables. Dans sa marche vers l’indépendance,
l’algérisation du corps enseignant a mis progressivement un terme
à ce processus d’échanges de conjoncture. Avec la nécessité
d’une formation post-universitaire, ce sont les Algériens qui ont
entrepris à leur tour d’investir dans des pays du Nord faisant fi
des appartenances politiques et linguistiques. De l’Amérique (capitalisme,
langue anglaise) à l’Union soviétique d’alors (communisme,
langue russe) en passant par la France (relations historiques), l’Angleterre
et autres pays d’Europe, divers pays ont été investis. On
peut dire que dans un premier temps la demande algérienne s’est
effectuée de manière convergente vers le pays d’accueil,
et que dans un deuxième temps, ce même pays est allé
chercher l’instruction et le savoir dans un mouvement divergent. Dans ce
bouillonnement d’une formation si diversifiée dans un sens ou dans
l’autre, s’affirment des tendances : pays d’accueil, langue de formation,
thème de recherche. C’est à travers le thème des thèmes
de recherche et des centres d’intérêt selon des recherches
menées dans un pays ou un autre, que nous tenterons d’analyser les
relations culturelles algéro-européennes et au-delà
euro-arabes ou arabo-européennes. L’objectif en est d’en déterminer
les apports et les influences, et par suite les tendances et le devenir
dans un contexte méditerranéen et de mondialisation.
Abdellah Laouina, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.
Sustainable development in the Mediterranean region: Natural and
human induced risks and the management response.
The Mediterranean regions represent many precious ecosystems and
a cultural and historical patrimony, deeply modified in relation with:
Global change, and namely the occurrence of dry successive years, the sea
level rise and the bio-geochemical transformations which have multiple
impacts on Biodiversity and Quality of the Environment, Changes in Human
occupation of lands and in the soil use with a rapid replacement of forests
and rangelands by cultivated areas, in the southern side of the Mediterranean,
progress of the bare lands and of the forests in the northern side.
The recent succession of dry years with serious implications for natural
resources and socio-economic well-being has brought the question of climatic
change to the forefront of public and scientific concern. The question
is: are we facing a climatic change or simply the natural variability in
rainfall in the Mediterranean. In fact, Mediterranean ecosystems
are amongst the most variable and fragile in the world, namely in the transition
climates where the Atlantic influence plays an important role, and where
rainfall amount and patterns are very sensitive to shifts in the atmospheric
circulation. The impacts of a shift on rainfall amount and patterns
vary widely with the land use: the sensitivity of the components
of the hydrological cycle, and particularly streamflow, to changes in land
occupation is proved by both hydrological and agriculture research. Any
decline in rainfall results in a serious decline in streamflow. In
addition, it is expected that land use and land management practices will
change as a direct or man induced response to shifts in rainfall.
The changes in Green House Gases are projected to lead to regional and
global changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables.
The Global Circulation Models permit the understanding the Earth's climate,
and the estimating of the effects on future climate of various natural
and human factors. But the Human changes are not less important.
The western Mediterranean regions are affected by the important process
of coast concentration of both humans and activities; the coastal strip
is inhabited by about 60% of the population of the countries. And
this coastal population grows faster than the one of the continental regions,
by migration of population and transfer of activities to the coast.
Megacities, with rapid growth, are located on the shoreline and spread
over rich agricultural lands producing vegetables and fruits. The
pression on the coastal resources (space, beaches, biological resources)
is then very high. The competition between land uses is a great problem
for spatial management. The pollution development by this concentration
of humans and activities affect the land, the coast and the sea by important
cases of environmental degradation. The notion of sustainable development
and more precisely, the ways to reach it, thanks to an efficient management
of the resources and a new vision and original ways for management remain
imprecise, in relation with the wide difference in term of context between
the two sides of the Mediterranean:
-In the Southern countries there is a rapid demographic increase, fast
urbanisation, and a critical social situation, in addition to important
natural risks.
-The Northern countries of the Mediterranean record at the contrary,
a very weak demographic rate, a high rate of development and a better environment
situation, in relation with a higher protection and more efficiency of
awareness actions. But in the two cases, equilibrated management
requires the answer to two crucial needs:
-A need in knowledge and research about the Mediterranean ecosystems
and the interaction between human pression and resources, which supposes
co-operation between physical, biological and social sciences, and in which
the spatial approach of Geographers plays a very important role;
-A need in the conception of new Management models and new methods
of action.
Dale R. Lightfoot, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA.
Euro-Arab exchange in the diffusion of qanats: Periphery versus
core in Europe.
Subterranean water systems, known commonly as qanats or karez,
are most commonly attributed to Persian invention. However, the Arabs
are clearly implicated in the refinement and diffusion of this ancient
irrigation strategy, and a growing body of archaeological evidence from
Oman and the UAE suggests Arab origins. There is a large body of
literature regarding the construction and use of qanats in Persian and
Arab lands, and a few sources detail the diffusion of this technology across
the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula.
But qanats have also been found elsewhere on the European continent.
Qanats are found near Athens, presumably built by Greeks borrowing Persian-Arab
technology. They were built in the Italian peninsula and in Sicily
when Romans borrowed this technology from the Levantine Arab lands they
had occupied. European qanats are most ubiquitous in Spain.
These were presumably introduced during the period of Arab settlement,
yet some of these Iberian qanats may pre-date Umayyad control of the peninsula.
The diffusion of qanats from Arab lands into the European periphery has
been more clearly established. Diffusion into the European core-France,
Belgium, and the Germanic region-is more enigmatic, in part because the
cultural connection is more tenuous, and because qanats are nowhere else
associated with a humid mid-latitude climate. In some places qanats
in Europe appear to have been used for a long period of time. In
other regions their use was temporally brief and culturally insignificant.
The transplantation and adoption of qanat technology in Greece, Italy,
Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, and the Czech Republic is explored with
regard to cultural carriers, paths of diffusion, and unique patterns of
Said Madani, Abderrahmane Diafat and Abdelmalek Tacherifte, Université
F. A. de Sétif, Algeria.
Transformations des espaces militaires d’origine coloniale: le cas
du Parc d’Attraction de Sétif - Algérie.
Cette recherche fait partie d’un travail sur l’évolution des
espaces militaires et leurs transformations dans les villes algériennes
d’origine coloniale. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’évaluer
l’espace conçu et l’évolution de son vécu. La ville
de Sétif présente un cas exceptionnel, où l’énorme
garnison militaire du temps de la colonisation et même après
l’indépendance, s’est transformée en un parc d’attraction
en 1986. Ce site, connu sous le nom de "Citadelle" et dont la superficie
s’étale sur 36 hectares, est situé en plein centre historique
de Sétif; cet espace fut le berceau de plusieurs civilisations -
les romains l’ont appelé Sitifis. L’idée de le garder comme
espace public a conforté la ville et ses habitants. Malgré
sa gestion inadéquate, ce parc continue à accueillir des
visiteurs de Sétif et de sa région, lui donnant ainsi une
dimension régionale non seulement en tant que grand espace vert,
mais aussi comme un important espace socioculturel et de loisirs dans la
ville. En effet, la revitalisation de ce genre de site nécessite
une considération particulière due à sa valeur historique,
sa position stratégique dans la ville et son rôle socio-économique
et culturel.
Said Madani, Algeria
See Diafat
Said Madani, Algeria
See Tacherifte
Abdulhafed Abdulraheem Mahbub, Makka Al-Mukaramah,
Saudi Arabia.
Islam and Capital Globalization.
In Arabic—not yet online
Sateh Mahli, University of Damascus, Syria.
Scholarship encounter in the Mediterranean region.
In Arabic—not yet online
Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Dutch- Moroccans: The social construction of a new identity.
The position of migrants and their descendants remains a much
debated matter in the host society long after the initial migration took
place. This paper discusses the migration of Moroccan guest workers to
the Netherlands. Moroccans are presently one the largest immigrant
groups in that country, together with Turks and Surinamese. Dutch society,
once characterised as a society 'pillarised' according to religious groups,
has offered relatively many (institutional and political) opportunities
for the expression of new collective identities. As a result, Dutch society
is sometimes redefined as multicultural. Obviously this process is
not a smooth one, both on the side of the host society as on the side of
the immigrants and their descendants. It implies a redefinition of
identities. In the course of action, ties with places in the host society
but also in the country of origin need to be redefined. In recent
years, we have witnessed the emergence of a Dutch-Moroccan identity among
the generation of Moroccan citizens (born and) grown up in the Netherlands.
The paper explores this new identity by looking at the way it is constructed
in the media. The process is two-sided. First, Dutch-Moroccans are
represented as a separate group by the Dutch conventional media. This is
observable in news reports about persons with a Moroccan background; and
this applies both to social climbers (such as young local and national
politicians, writers, entertainers or professionals) and to (male) dropouts
and delinquents. Second, young people do organise themselves along ethnic
lines and participate to the public debate in such way as to emphasise
their dual Dutch Moroccan background. The paper focuses on the use
of 'new media' (especially the World Wide Web) to establish public places
in which this Dutch-Moroccan identity is expressed and developed.
Key issues in these debates include diverging traditions, gender relations,
religious and linguistic matters, legalistic questions regarding (dual)
citizenship, and more in general social participation in Dutch society.
The individual and collective strategies developed to deal with these issues
help us understand this emerging identity and its relation to Dutch and
Moroccan identities.
Patrizia Manduchi. University of Cagliari,
Une cité et ses visiteurs: Pour une histoire du tourisme
à Essaouira (Maroc).
Après les premiers contacts suivis entre Occidentaux et Arabes
(en particulier depuis l’expédition de Napoléon de 1798 en
Egypte), a pris naissance l’orientalisme, le goût pour l’exotisme,
péculiarité du Romantisme. Pour poètes, écrivains,
artistes, les pays musulmans deviennent la destination privilégiée
de leurs parcours spirituels et culturels. Ma recherche est constituée
de l’analyse d’un cas spécifique de l’histoire du tourisme dans
le monde musulman. L’analyse traitera en fait d’Essaouira (Mogador) au
Maroc, port très important sur l’Atlantique, ville cosmopolite et
une des destinations les plus convoitées d’un flux désormais
touristique à partir du XIXème siècle. Le flux touristique
au Maroc a une histoire très longue et articulée et une importance
particulière, jusqu’à nos jours. Beaucoup d’écrivains
ont écrit sur Essaouira, de Edmond Doutté à Charles
de Foucauld, de l’Italien Romanelli au consul français Auguste Beaumier.
L’analyse e la comparaison de ce type de littérature de voyage est
l’objet central de la recherche.
Guenter Meyer, University of Mainz, Germany.
Environmental impact and economic viability of the new mega-projects
in Egypt.
President Hosni Mubarak's "mega-projects for the millennium,"
which aim to reclaim hundreds of thousands of hectares of land from the
desert, are truly on a Pharaonic scale. Inside 20 years it is planned
that the "Northern Sinai Development Project" and the "Southern Egypt Development
Project" (Toshka Project) will provide new towns as well as employment
for at least three million people. Based on the author's fieldwork
in these regions the paper will give an overview about the present state
of development and analyse the various environmental and economic problems
resulting from both projects. The international implications on the
sharing of Nile water between the neighbouring states and the chances for
saving water through the improvement of the present system of water distribution
in the old agricultural land of the Egyptian Nile valley and Delta will
also be discussed.
Jean-Marie Miossec, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier,
L’Europe et le monde arabe: les pays arabes de la Méditerranée
dans le partenariat Euro-méditerranéen.
C’est à la Communauté européenne à 12 que
revient l’initiative Euro-méditerranéenne. Les conclusions
du Conseil d’Essen ont jeté les bases d’un partenariat qui correspond
à une nouvelle logique dans les relations entre l’Europe et les
pays tiers de la Méditerranée, dont plusieurs pays arabes.
Le partenariat EuroMed constitute désormais le cadre de référence
incontournable des relations entre le Monde arabe et l’Europe, tant sur
le plan économique que politique : ainsi « l’Europe insiste
pour fonder le Partenariat sur un ensemble de valeurs, d’instruments et
d’incitations propres à favoriser une dynamique de convergence et
de modernisation qui ne soit pas confinée à la seule dimension
économique. Le dessein européen est bien la promotion graduelle
d’un espace commun, aussi intégré que possible sur les plans
politique, économique et stratégique qui respecte l’identité
de chauqe Partenaire » (Ahmed A. Ounaïes). Quelles sont les
attitudes des pays arabes dans ce nouveau contexte qui s’inscrit dans la
globalisation économico-financière et dans la mondialisation
au sens large, et comment le monde arabe aborde-t-il ce nouveau défi
? Quelles vont être les conséquences économiques d’une
mise à niveau et d’une mise en concurrence internationales ? Quels
sont les positionnements des pays arabes, quels sont leurs atouts et leurs
handicaps, dans une nouvelle donne où les critères de la
mondialisation sont synonymes de métropolisation et de bonne gouvernance
? Cette ouverture au mondial et, pour certains, cette accentuation de l’ouverture
au mondial, ne sollicite pas les pays de la Méditerranée
arabe avec la même intensité et avec les mêmes chances
de succès. L’histoire, la géographie, la géopolitique
génèrent plus que des nuances, du Maroc à la Syrie.
La géographie des États et les politiques d’aménagement
du territoire favorisent certains espaces bien placés pour se brancher
sur la compétition internationale. Au détriment d’autres
portions des territoires. Ces transitions posent le problème des
arbitrages entre une ouverture au mondial et une cohérence nationale,
réactualisant ainsi le rôle de l’État comme articulation
majeure dans un repositionnement global qui demeure déséquilibré
face à la puissante construction européenne.
Hassouna Mzabi, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
de Tunis, Tunisie.
Le Tourisme en Tunisie.
Les pays de l’Europe occidentale représentent les principaux
partenaires du commerce extérieur de la Tunisie. Ils sont
ses premiers fournisdeurs et ses premiers clients. Les pays de l’Europe
occidentale avec à leur tête la France, l’Italie et l’Allemagne
restent les principaux lieux d’accueil de la colonie tunisienne à
l’Etranger. Développé depuis une quarantaine d’années
le tourisme de masse est un secteur qui a davantage lié la Tunisie
à l’espace européen. Plus de 80% des touristes que
reçoit la Tunisie sont originaires de l’Europe. Notre intervention
brosse un tableau rapide de l’évolution de ce secteur d’économie
et présente ces principales caractéristiques.
Farida Naceur, Université de Biskra,
Batna, Algérie.
L’impact de la conception architecturale sur la dégradation
des cités d’habitat : Z.H.U.N.
Ce papier vise à appréhender les influences européennes
sur l’urbanisme algérien. Notre intervention se limite à
certains modes de conceptions marquées par la préséance
d’un urbanisme fonctionnaliste européen à l’extrême,
ignorant délibérément les réalités concrètes
et les pratiques des occupants. Il s’agit en fait du modèle des
cités d’habitat collectif « Les Z.H.U.N ». Ce modèle
d’habitat auquel eurent recours les gestionnaires dans un contexte de crise
de logement particulièrement exacerbée connaît d’énormes
dysfonctionnements et tend même à devenir un symbole de nuisances
et de délabrement. Ces ensembles d’habitat connaissent une dégradation
accrue et accélérée très vite après
leur occupation. La dégradation se révèle à
travers l’état de désolation et d’abandon dans lequel s’enfoncent
un peu plus chaque jour les espaces communautaires (espaces extérieurs,
halls d’entrées, cages d’escalier...). Les occupants des «
Z.H.U.N » se trouvent confrontées à des problèmes
énormes posés par la gestion et le contrôle des espaces
communautaires. Adopter cet angle de vision revient à placer au
cœur de l’analyse la relation entre la logique des concepteurs et les pratiques
sociales visant ainsi la mise en exergue des inadéquations entre
les conceptions d’un côté et les aspirations profondes et
modes de vie des occupants de l’autre. La démarche se veut ethnologique
et privilégie la technique des observations. Des observations qui
ont été puisées dans le vécu quotidien à
partir du cas de l’expérience des «cités tours»
qu’a connu la ville de Batna dans le cadre des opérations Z.H.U.N.
On tentera de mettre le point sur les dysfonctionnements auxquels se trouvent
quotidiennement confrontés les occupants de ce type d’habitat en
relevant les inadéquations et en s’interrogeant sur: 1 - les modes
d’appropriation; 2 - les rejets inconscients et les tendances d’évitement
de certains espaces. On conclura l’article par certaines recommandations
pratiques destinées essentiellement aux concepteurs des lieux d’habitat
qui sont à notre sens les premiers concernés par cette décadence.
Joan Nogue-Font, University of Girona, Catalonia,
Portraits of colonial Morocco: Spanish visitors to the Moroccan
Protectorate between 1912 and 1956.
The concept of orientalism in Spain is construed to mean Africanism
and, more specifically, Moroccanism. The fact that for Spain, Morocco
is, effectively, the Orient is due to several different factors: geographical
proximity to the North African coast, the cultural legacy of Al-Andalus
and the new colonial adventure undertaken in the area by Spain at the end
of the 19th century. This latter was partly the result of the loss
of the American colonies in 1898 and the consequent need to regain a certain
prominence on the international scene, and partly as the result of the
interests of a small sector of the bourgeoisie in opening up new markets
after the American failure. This context gave rise to artistic and
literary creations, including travel books, that were linked to this new
culture, this new territory, and were cast in a clearly orientalist mould.
This paper analyses the travel books on the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco
that were written by Spanish authors and published between 1912 (when the
Protectorate was established) and 1956 (when Morocco became independent).
The aim of the paper is to study the image of Morocco and the Moroccans
that these travellers transmitted to their reading public. These
travel books were widely disseminated in Spain and are, therefore, largely
responsible for the survival and consolidation of many of the clichés
and commonplaces about the Other (the Moroccan, the Arab, the Muslim) that
still remain in Spanish society. In view of the fact that Spain has
now become the main country of destination for Moroccan emigrants and in
view also of the recent serious outbreaks of xenophobia and racism in Spain,
it is more than ever necessary to analyse the origin and the development
of the images and opinions that underlie these incidents.
Mohamedan Ould-Mey, Indiana State University, Terra Haute, IN, USA.
Zionism is back to square one: From the “Jewish Question” in Europe
to the “Israeli Problem” in the Arab world.
First, the paper argues that though Europe and the Arab World paid a
heavy price for the conception of Zionism in Europe and the creation of
the State of Israel in Palestine, most Zionists, post-Zionists, and anti-Zionists
seem to agree that Zionism failed to either solve the Jewish Question,
achieve normalcy for the State of Israel, or erase Palestine and the Palestinians
from the map. Millions of Jews had to die in Europe before the Zionists
could establish Israel in Palestine and dispossess millions of Palestinians.
Second, it points out that the new critique of Israeli history (Brenner’s
Zionism in the Age of Dictators, Morris’ The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee
Problem 1947-1949, Beit-Hallahmi’s Original Sins, and Finkelstein’s The
Holocaust Industry) as well as the questioning of the geography of the
Old Testament and biblical archaeology (Salibi’s The Bible Came from Arabia
and Rice’s False Inheritance) are curbing the ability of Zionism to further
fabricate and/or re-write Middle Eastern history and interpret its culture.
Third, it suggests that the increasing global awareness about the historical
dispossession and dispersion of the now estimated 9 million Palestinians
(mostly in Palestine/Israel and the Arab World), the current refusal of
Israel to withdraw to its 1967 boundaries, the recurring Palestinian
Intifada, and the steady numerical decline of world Jewry to about 13 million
(including 4.6 million in Israel) in 2001, could well be setting the stage
for the beginning of the end of the State of Israel as we know it, or at
least its complete de-Zionization.
Daniel Pinson, Université Aix-Marseille
III, France.
L’universalisme de la charte d’Athènes et les particularismes
de l’habitat marocain.
L’habitat "néo-traditionnel" a une présence très
forte au Maroc et cette manifestation d’une culture originale de l’habitat
s’est imposée à la vision universaliste portée par
la Charte d’Athènes, appliquée par l’architecte-urbaniste
Michel Ecochard après la seconde guerre mondiale. Lors que
ce dernier prendra en charge l’urbanisme marocain, en 1946, il devra tenir
compte de cette spécificité. Mais au lieu de ce respect
ambigu de la «culture indigène» qui caractérisait
la position du premier architecte-urbaniste du protectorat, Henri Prost,
c’est en terme de sous-développement que Michel Ecochard considère
le problème. L’idée d’une spécificité
marocaine de l’habitat a tenu une place non négligeable dans la
culture technique des services de l’urbanisme au Maroc. Cette dimension
va continuer d’influer au lendemain de l’indépendance (1956) et
le décret sur les lotissements d’habitat économique, adopté
en 1964, en est l’une des expressions. Si cette idée est présente
dans la culture urbanistique marocaine, différenciant sans doute
le Maroc des autres pays maghrébins, elle n’est pas sans rapport
avec le constat, par les architectes-urbanistes, d’une vivacité
de la tradition dans la culture domestique pré-coloniale de la société
civile marocaine.
Jonathan Rae, Brighton University, Moulsecoomb, Brighton, UK.
Common property in customary law: Conservation management in the
Syrian Desert.
Historically, Syria has been geographically defined by an administrative
division between the area of nomadism (al-badiyah) and the area of cultivation
(ma`murah). The badiyah or steppe area also represented a separate
judicial region where tribal customary law (`urf), rather than state law
(qanun), predominated. In 1958 such legal pluralism was abolished:
the steppe was nationalised and the moving Bedouin tribes became subject
to the qanun. Until then the tribes had regulated common access to
steppe resources through a flexible and evolving customary land tenure
system. To the authorities, such a system was archaic and inefficient,
and they sought to replace it with centralise management based on supposedly
rational scientific foundations. Some forty years on and the authorities
are still struggling to formulate appropriate structures and institutions
for resource conservation. This paper presents findings of a recent study
on the current status of the customary and formal land tenure systems.
It is argue that the customary system remains a potent force on the steppe
and suitable for the devolution of management responsibilities.
H Rebbouh, Algeria
See Guendouz
Giuseppe Restifo, Italy
See Gugliuzzo
Laura Rice, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. Shared Spaces/ Separate Lives" from The Ventriloquist and the Mime: the Geography of Identity in colonial Northern Africa (a work in progress).
When European travellers came to North Africa, whether as military
personnel from Saint Cyr and Saumur, engineers from the Ecole Polytechnique
or Ponts et Chaussees,or writers who were merely, in Albert Memmi's memorable
term, "ecrivains-touristes," they shared the idea that they were bringing
order to chaos. We see it in the triangulations on their military
maps of the Sahara, in their creation of European cities at the foot of
medinas, in their photographs and descriptions of the present squalor of
contemporary lives lived at the foot of ruins attesting to once great civilizations.
As Timothy Mitchell has so persuasively argued in Colonizing Egypt, they
brought a sense with them of the "world as exhibition"--a simulacrum that
superimposed itself on the land of the colony. Massive works like the 23
volume Description of Egypt mandated by Napoleon did not so much describe
Egypt as replace it by a European Egypt pleasing to a European psyche.
And while there may have been in the colonies a "contact zone" as Mary
Louise Pratt suggested in Imperial Eyes: travel writing and transculturation,
the colonies remained a combat zone in ways that are deeply psychological
and social, not just military. The colonizer and the colonized shared
the space of the colony, but led separate lives--lived in mental and emotional
worlds that were mapped according to different social contracts.
This paper will examine key examples of the mental charting that is evident
in literary, military and medical texts produced in colonial of North Africa.
What is interesting about maps, as Godlewska has pointed out, is not whether
they are true or false but rather what interests and beliefs have charted
them. The colony, as a "contact zone," was often permeable to goods but
impermeable to cultural exchange. Materials were exported, mentalities
weren't. Likewise, the perceived "chaos" of the colonized was often
rather "order misunderstood," while the order of the colonizer was a gridwork
of shaping interests pressed into the flesh of other people's lives and
Mitch Rose, Department of Geography, University
of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
Pyramids and the politics of heritage: emerging narratives of Egyptianess
on the Giza plateau
The Greater Cairo Ring Road was part of a long term development project
designed to relocate a proportion of Cairo's16 million inhabitants into
surrounding satellite communities. When it was discovered that the
road would pass four kilometres south of the pyramid plateau, it plunged
the Egyptian government into a protracted conflict with Europe, UNESCO
and a number of its own ministries. The presence of UNESCO in a decision
about Egypt's national development mobilized a number of competing narratives
concerning Egypt's relationship with its past. While Egyptians often refer
to their identity as 'ancient' and as having 'heritage', the concept of
heritage is both flexible and highly political. Some of these narratives
celebrated Egypt's heritage because it engendered a global interest in
Egypt, others deprecated it as a post-colonial relic subservient to Western
tastes. By exploring a number of these narratives in relation to
the ring road conflict I hope to illustrate the strategic relationship
between politics, identity and landscape.
Gwyn Rowley, The University of Sheffield, UK.
Gentrification within the Old City, Jerusalem: Conversations in
Our schema of interactive fieldwork focuses prime attention upon
the proceeding gentrification by incursionist Western highly capitalized
Jewish settler groups into the disjointed Third World spatial embrace of
the Old City of Jerusalem. Problems of research entryism into the
war zone are briefly considered and the totemic ideologies of the settler
groups, as Atteret Cohanim, are outlined. Interestingly the proceeding
gentrifications in the Muslim Quarter are generally at the "group" and
not individual-family level, with North American and French settlers in
the majority. The Atteret Cohanim settler group, for example, is
seen to have a developed organizational structure covering fund raisings,
membership recruitments on through to its orchestrated program of directed
settlement activities. The deepening and mounting conflicts over
Old City space are reflected in the utilization of territorial markers,
graffiti and armed vigilante policing by the settler groups. A recent
settler initiative involves the notion of "bridgeheading locations," to
use as springboards for further expansions. Sites have recently been
developed in the Muslim Quarter over the past two years in Aqabat Esh Sheikh
Rihan, on Hay El Wad, and Aqabat El Sara'a, Aqabat El Khalidieh and the
Hadid Road. Whereas "short-stay" peripatetic journalists usually
depend upon official press releases this academic report is especially
reliant upon an intensive program of face-to-face fieldwork strategies
undertaken by the fieldworker himself. These real conflictive Geographies,
seen to particular effect in our interviews within the native Palestinian
population, amongst the incursionist Jewish settlers, and with various
prominent leaders of the various communities, provide quite definite pointers
to the continuing and deepening conflicts within the Holy City.
Al-Tayyib Sahnoun
See Tafer
Badia Belabed Sahraoui, Université
Mentouri Constantine, Algérie.
Politique coloniale et pratique spatiale : le cas de la ville de
Constantine au 19ème siècle.
Ma communication portera sur la ville produite, durant la colonisation française. Elle développera une partie d’une recherche que j’entreprends en formation doctorale. L’examen de la production des formes architecturales et urbaines se fera à travers l’étude de cas de Constantine et à partir du plan d’alignement. Ce dernier synthétise l’effort de la colonisation depuis le premier plan de la commission mixte de 1850, et résume les travaux commandés et exécutés par la commune. Il reflète également les rapports de forces, des conflits, des logiques qui ont conduit à substituer à l’ancien tissu un plan ordonné et aéré. L’urbanisme Haussmannien inspire et influence l’autorité civile, c’est ainsi que la démarche urbanistique de la métropole sera appliquée aux tissus anciens. La transformation de la ville est rendue spectaculaire par l’alignement, l’élargissement et l’ouverture de la rue. Ce processus de pénétration, qui se fait au nom de l’utilité publique (hygiène, aération) et par des plans partiels, plans d’expropriation, est soutenu par un décret des rues calqué sur celui de Paris. En plus du programme de remise en ordre du réseau viaire, le conseil municipal s’exprimera aussi par l’élévation de monuments symboles du nouveau pouvoir. Même la programmation de la ville nouvelle européenne en dehors du Rocher ou l’extension des faubourgs obéit aux intérêts du pouvoir colonial. Définir, analyser l’intervention communale et exposer ses méthodes, ses fondements, ses lois; telle est la communication que je voudrais présenter.
Badia Belabed Sahraoui, Université Mentouri, Constantine.
Colonial political and spatial application case of the city of Constantine
at the 19th century.
My communication will be about the produced city, during the French
colonization. It will develop a part of a research that I undertake in
doctoral formation. The exam of the production of the architectural
and urban shapes will make himself through the survey of case of Constantine
and from the plan of alignment. This last synthesizes the effort
of the colonization since the 1st plan of the mixed commission of 1850,
and summarize the ordered works and executed by the township. It
also reflects reports of strengths, of conflicts, of logics that drove
to substitute for the old cloth a neat plan and aired. The Haussmannian
urbanism inspires and influences the civil authority, this is how the urbanistic
gait of the metropolis will be applied to the old cloths. The transformation
of the city is made spectacular by the alignment, the widening and the
opening of the street. This process of penetration, which makes itself
in the name of the public utility (hygiene, ventilation) and by the partial
plans, plan of expropriation, is sustained by a decree of streets traced
on the one of Paris. Of the program of discount in order of network
viaire the town council will express himself in addition also by the elevation
of monuments symbols of the new power. Even the programming of the
European new city outside of the Rocher (rock emplacement) or the extension
of outskirts obeys interests of the colonial power. To define, to
analyze the local intervention and to expose its methods, its foundations,
its laws... such is the communication that I would like to present.
Aseel Sawalha, Pace University, New York, NY, USA.
The accessible and the prohibited: Beiruti women remembering prewar
This paper presents the multiple meaning and uses of space in
Beirut’s urban context of postwar emergencies, by looking at the indirect
effects of the physical reconstruction on the daily lives of intellectual
women (artists, writers etc.). It analyses "accessible" and "prohibited"
public spaces through looking at prewar French-style café and the
postwar search to recapture the flavor of the past. It illustrates the
ways gender, class, spatialization, and temporality interact to reproduce
memories, and longings for a wanted public past. Prewar Beirut has
become a utopian myth. It is described as the east’s window on the
west, and the Paris of the Arab World. Beirut is portrayed as a place
where men and women, intellectuals, artists, writers, and political opposition
found refuge. In their description and interpretation of their prewar
experiences, Beiruti women portrayed a sophisticated, and vibrant urban
setting. They emphasize their experiences of crossing social, familial
and religious borders in their attempts to set up places for themselves
in the public life. One of the sites that remembered with great passion
are the European cafés, this made coffee drinking venues part of
the sociopolitical and cultural scene in Beirut. These sites are remembered
as "places for breathing freedom". The memories of the café
became a shared and collective knowledge for educated women, who have not
been able to accept or blend into postwar social locals. In the postwar
era, women find themselves excluded from the postwar public venues, therefore
they reconstruct imaginary familiar spaces by revisiting their prewar memories.
Joseph Schechla, Habitat International Coalition,
Cairo, Egypt.
The human rights of housing and planning: norms, violations and
the professionals’ role.
Since adequate housing was recognized as a human right in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this norm has evolved to include
treaty obligations and legal guidance for the State, as duty holder, to
ensure "progressive realization" of the human right to adequate housing.
Monitoring the binding legal instruments and "constructive dialogue" with
States Parties through the UN human rights system also has contributed
clarifying jurisprudence. The paper presents the framework of this human
rights guidance for professionals in all aspects of housing, including
architects, planners, housing lawyers and political geographers.
This framework draws on the legal sources of the right to adequate housing
(RAH), as well as the principles and human needs articulated through social
movements, moral systems and social science. It also seeks to develop
the "right to land" as an element of RAH, whose relevance is dramatized
by cases in the Mediterranean region. Based on a Habitat International
Coalition technical team’s ongoing work, the paper presents the 19 elements
of RAH as a methodology for testing the application of this human right
and its progressive realization. The methodology is used to identify violations
and "regressivity," and features a tool for quantifying the losses from
certain violations. Beyond violations, the method culminates in an
inventory of solutions, including strategic actions that call for participation
by the professional community in implementing the human right to housing.
The paper’s conclusion applies this method of inquiry to cases in the Mediterranean
region (including UN treaty body findings), and poses recommendations for
housing and physical development specialists to realize the human rights
dimensions of their contributory work.
John A. Schembri, University of Malta, Malta.
Toponyms of coastal features and their linguistic association along
the coast of the Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean).
The main characteristic of the long list of occupiers of the Maltese
Islands is one where the powerful states that possessed a strong navy took
hold of the central Mediterranean archipelago as a political pivot in the
international arena. The key occupiers were the pre-historic settlers
(ca. 6000 BC), the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Knights of St.
John and the British. This cultural legacy is seen through the Semitic
language base that is diluted with the Romance languages and English.
The author tries to link the contemporary names used to identify the coastal
localities, coastal geomorphologic features and landmarks with their linguistic
origin. The main source of information was the series of 1:2 500
Ordnance Survey sheet series for the Maltese Islands, the 1:25000 Geological
Map of the Maltese Islands and the 1:25 000 and the 1:25 000 topographic
maps of Malta and Gozo. The discussion centers round the distribution
and frequency of the names along the coastal margin according to the natural
or man-made features, and takes into consideration their linguistic origin.
Kawther Serhan, University of Ioannina, Greece.
Arabic place names in the Greek language in the Eastern Mediterranean
In Arabic—not yet online
Dona J. Stewart, Georgia State University,
Atlanta, GA, USA.
Urban growth and development in Cairo - overestimating economic
In the past decade, Cairo has begun to experience decentralization
of its primary core area. Such decentralization, in the context of “third
world” city development, has often been causally linked with increasing
globalization. Hence, metropolitanization is to be considered an
indication of externally oriented economic growth. This paper examines
the decentralization of Cairo, and argues that is not primarily a result
of increased interaction with the global economy, but rather internal political
economic change. Since the 1990s, Egypt has undergone extensive economic
change, specifically the institution of a mandated structural adjustment
program. While designed to increase Egypt’s opportunities within
the global economic realm, structural adjustment has result in little real
change in Egypt’s global economic relationships. Key indicators,
such as level of foreign direct investment and manufacturing exports, illustrate
Egypt’s continued peripheralization, especially when compared to more globally
integrated emerging economies. In the Egyptian case, therefore, decentralization
cannot be assumed to be primarily the result of deeper economic integration.
Rather, it is caused by what may be termed, political globalization and
the imposition of World Bank political ideology on the national economy.
New non-state actors are redrawing the urban structure of Cairo, admittedly
with market-led goals. This paper will examine the forces behind
this decentralization and its potential for creating greater spatial segregation
in the city.
Abdelmalek Tacherifte, Said Madani and Abderrahmane Diafat, Université
F. A. de Sétif, Algeria.
Villes des hautes plaines: Urbanisme, Intégration territoriale
et développement durable.
Cette recherche envisage d’examiner les mutations urbaines récentes
des villes dans les hautes plaines et leur intégration territoriale.
Cette étude sera basée sur une nouvelle approche régionale
de la question urbaine, afin de situer leurs nouveaux territoires d’influence.
Cette problématique s’attachera à l’analyse des processus
de structuration-production et de représentation spatio-territoriale
liées aux nouvelles formes urbaines. Il conviendrait également
d’identifier et d’évaluer les nouveaux usages de l’espace, des équipements
socio-économiques et culturels imbriqués sous forme de réseaux
complexes. En Algérie, l’essentiel du réseau urbain
actuel est constitué de villes petites et moyennes. Leurs
transformations urbaines récentes, liées à l’avènement
de l’économie de marché et la mondialisation, modifient l’échelle
de leurs territoires d’influence. Le cas de Sétif illustre
bien ce phénomène, où les limites administratives
de la Wilaya semblent céder spontanément la place à
un espace plus large qui est celui de la "région". L’étude
du processus de formation et de transformation urbaines de ces villes nous
permet de saisir les enjeux ayant provoqué la dynamique du développement
de ces noyaux urbains dans l’urbanisation globale du pays. Considérant
l’écart de développement urbain entre les différentes
régions du pays, la méthode comparative se limitera au sens
que peuvent revêtir les mêmes notions et leur mise en pratique.
Abdelmalek Tacherifte, Algeria
See Diafat
Abdelmalek Tacherifte, Algeria
See Madani
Ghania Lakhal Tafer and Al-Tayyib Sahnoun, Mantouri
University, Constantine, Algeria.
The influence of French colonialism on Algerian urban planning:
The case of Constantine, Algeria.
In Arabic—not yet online
Farhat Tashkandi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
The European influence in urban planning in the Arab world.
In Arabic—not yet online
Peter J. Taylor, Loughborough University, UK.
Middle Eastern cities in the world city network: A global analysis
of dependence, integration and autonomy.
Using a conceptualisation of the world city network as an amalgam of
global service firms' office networks and data from a study of 100 such
firms, this paper presents a new analysis of Middle Eastern cities under
conditions of contemporary globalization. Extracting 28 cities (22 Arab
plus 6 adjacent) from a database of 316 cities world-wide, the total global
service and the global service connectivity of each city is computed.
The intra-regional and extra-regional inter-city relations of the 12 leading
Middle Eastern cities (9 Arab plus 3 adjacent) are analysed in some detail
with particular reference to European linkages. The results are interpreted
in a longue duree perspective with particular reference to how the region
might be linked into the world-economy in the future.
Ali Toumi, Faculté des Sciences Humaines
et Sociales de Tunis, Tunisia.
The image of Europe as it is seen by prominent Andalusian and Maghrebian
travelers and geographers.
In Arabic—not yet online