The Arab World Geographer
Forum on The Viability of a Two-State Solution to the Israel/Palestine Conflict and Possible Alternatives

Cover Page / Table of contents    

Editorial: Falah 

Contributions: Reuveny / Jarbawi / Sayigh / Yiftachel / Moughrabi / Aruri / Tilley / Schnell / Newman Elmusa

Commentaries: Johnston / Lesch / Ó Tuathail

Unless indicated otherwise, all statements published on this forum represent the views of their authors and not necessarily those of AWG




Ghazi-Walid Falah

Editorial: Is a Two-State Solution to the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict Still Possible? Are There Alternatives?    


Rafael Reuveny

The Binational State and the Colonial Imperative: The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict in Historical Perspective    


Ali Jarbawi

The Remaining Palestinian Options    


Yezid Sayigh

Closing Window of Opportunity for the Two-State Solution?    


Oren Yiftachel

Neither Two States Nor One: The Disengagement and “Creeping Apartheid” in Israel/Palestine    


Fouad Moughrabi

Waiting for the Barbarians: When Palestine Becomes Finland    


Naseer H. Aruri

U.S. Policy and the Single State in Palestine/Israel    


Virginia Tilley

From “Jewish State and Arab State” to “Israel and Palestine”? International Norms, Ethnocracy, and the Two-State Solution    


Izhak Schnell

A Route Leading to Separation and Peace    


David Newman

There Is No Solution Other than a Two-State Solution    


Sharif S. Elmusa

Greater Palestine: Matching Demography, Geography, and Heart    



Ron Johnston

Commentary I: On States and Territories    


Ann M. Lesch

Commentary II: The Logic of Unilateralism    


Gearóid Ó Tuathail (Gerard Toal)

Commentary III: Contradictions of the “Two-State Solution”    

Cover Page / Table of contents    

Editorial: Falah 

Contributions: Reuveny / Jarbawi / Sayigh / Yiftachel / Moughrabi / Aruri / Tilley / Schnell / Newman Elmusa

Commentaries: Johnston / Lesch / Ó Tuathail

The Forum has been published in The Arab World Geographer, volume 8 issue 3 (Autumn 2005)

For those interested in obtaining a hard copy of this issue, 

please contact the AWG Editorial Office at;  Tel. +1 330 972 8831; Fax: +1 330 972 6080 

or simply send a check payable to: AWG-The Arab World Geographer and mail it to the following address: 

AWG Editorial Office, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-5005, U.S.A.

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