Thursday, October 4, 20019:00 am to 6:00 pm
9:00 Timothy W. Luke and Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech, USA, Where's the West, Where's the Rest? How Cultural Difference is Used to Map Multiples of the Orient.
9: 20 Andrej Kreutz, The University of Calgary, Canada, Geopolitics of Post-Soviet Russia and the Middle East.
9:40 Stanley D. Brunn, University of Kentucky, USA, Stamps of the Arab World: Visual Representations of History, Culture, Politics, and Landscapes
10:00 Laura Rice, Oregon State University, USA, Shared Spaces/Separate Lives from The Ventriloquist and the Mime: the Geography of Identity in colonial Northern Africa.
10:20 David Atkinson, University of Hull, UK, Contrasting geographies of mobility, space and the desert: a European account of Italian North Africa.
10:40 Khalid AL-Zamat, University of Qatar, State of Qatar, Implication of Solving Border Disputes in the Middle East on the Citizens: The case of Qatari /Bahraini disputes.
11:00 --11:30 Coffee Break
11: 30 Martin S. Kenzer, Florida Atlantic University, USA, Malta: An Island of Refuge, Past Present, and Probably in the Future.
11:50 John A. Schembri, University of Malta, Malta, Toponyms of coastal features and their linguistic association along the coast of the Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean).
12:10 Martina Rieker, American University in Cairo, Egypt, Safe Countries and European Refugee Thinking: Trajectories of Modern Mediterranean Spatial Discourses.
12:30-- 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30--2:30 Opening Ceremony
2:30 Diana K. Davis, University of Texas at Austin, USA, Desert "Wastes" of the Maghrib: French Colonial Environmental History of North Africa.
2:50 Andrea Corsale, University of Cagliari, Italy, Environmental Policies and Challenges in the Oases of Morocco.
3:10 Carmelina Gugliuzzo and Giuseppe Restifo, University of Messina, Italy, Colonialism, Empire and Microbes: Mediterranean epidemiological environment and British sanitary polices in 19th century.
3:30 Brahim Brahamia, University of Constantine, Algeria, Les systèmes de santé maghrébins, de la tradition à l’urbanisation : référence au cas de l’Algérie. (The Maghreb health systems, from tradition to urbanization: the case of Algeria). (In French)
3:50 Karim Hamdy, Oregon State University, USA, On-line Environmental Information in the Mediterranean Region: Is There a Digital Divide?
4:10- 4:40 Coffee Break
4:40 Hussein A. Amery, Colorado School of Mines, USA, Scarcity-Induced Water Wars in the Middle East?
5:00 M. Guendouz and H. Rebbouh, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology, Algeria, l’eau dans le monde arabe: une ressource rare ; objet de concurrences et de conflits (Water in the Arab World: A scarce resource, object of rivalries and conflicts). (In French)
6:00-- 6:45 Keynote Lecture:
Professor Eckart Ehlers, University of Bonn, The Mediterranean City -- Arab and Western Encounters: Traditions and Futures
Friday, October 5 , 2001
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
8:00 Dona J. Stewart, Georgia State University, USA, Urban Growth and Development in Cairo - Overestimating Globalization?
8:20 Salah Hathout, University of Winnipeg, Canada, The use of spatial and non-spatial information systems/ analyses for predicting crop dynamics in the Nile Delta, Egypt.
8:40 Guenter Meyer, University of Mainz, Germany, Development of Micro-enterprises in Cairo; Results from a Long-term Study on Small-Scale Manufacturing.
9:00 Yamna Djellouli, University of Maine, France, and Daoud Abdelkarim, University of Sfax, Tunisia, Quelles alternatives de développement pour les hautes steppes tunisiennes et les hautes plaines steppiques du sud ouest algérien? (Which development alternatives for the Tunisian high steppes and the high grassy plains of south western Algeria). (In French)
9:20 Abdelmalek Tacherifte , Said Madani and Abderrahmane Diafat, University of Setif, Algeria, Villes des hautes plaines: urbanisme, intégration territoriale et développement durable. (transl: Plateau towns: urbanism, territorial integration and sustainable development). (In French)
9:40 Mohamed Aziz, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Automated Cartographic Modeling of the Urban Development in Kuwait. (In Arabic)
10: 00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 Derek Gregory, University of British Columbia, Canada, Reading Cairo, Performing Cairo, 17981914.
10:50 Ghazi Falah, University of Akron, USA, The use and abuse of European travellers narratives for the (re)writing of Palestine historical geography.
11:10 Ali Toumi, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, Tunisia, The image of Europe as it seen by prominent Andalusian and Maghrebian travellers and geographers. (In Arabic)
11:30 Joan Nogu-Font, University of Girona, Spain, Portraits of colonial Morocco-Spanish visitors to the Moroccan Protectorate between 1912 and 1956
11:50 Joelle Ana Bergere Dezaphi, Université Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Images of Morocco and the Euro-Arab relations through 19th century travel stories: The case of Charles Didiers tour in Morocco. (In French)
12: 10 Mohamed Benaali, Abdelmalik al-Saadi University, Morocco. Travelers literature: The process of formation of images about the I and the Others-- the case of Pierre Loti. (In Arabic)
12:30 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Abel Albet-Mas, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, Urban and regional planning in colonial Morocco: from protection to exploitation, a competition for modernization.
1:50 Badia Belabed Sahraoui, University of Mentouri, Algeria, Politique coloniale et pratique spatiale : cas de la ville de Constantine au 19me siècle (Colonial policies and spatial practices: the case of the city of Constantine at the 19th century). (In French).
2: 10 Abderrahim Hafiane, Algeria, Les influences européennes sur l'urbanisme : les normes et règles dans le cas des villes algériennes (The European influences on the urbanism: Norms and rules in the case of Algerian cities) (In French).
2:30 Daniel Pinson, University of Aix-Marseille III, France, L’universalisme de la Charte d’Athènes et les particularismes de l’habitat marocain (Universalism in the Athens Charter and the specificities of Moroccan habitat). (In French)
2:50 Abdelghani Abouhani, Morocco, L’origine coloniale de l’urbanisme marocain (The colonial origins of Moroccan urbanism) (In French).
3:10 Rassem Khamaisi, University of Haifa, Israel, The legacy of British system and its impact in shaping the Palestinian space. (In Arabic).
3:30- 4:00 Coffee Break
4:00 Gwyn Rowley, The University of Sheffield, UK, Gentrification within the Old City, Jerusalem: Conversations in Place.
4:20 Joseph Schechla, Habitat International Coalition Middle East and North Africa, Egypt, The human rights of housing and planning: norms, violations and the professionals role.
4:40 Farida Naceur, University of Biskra, Algeria, L’impact de la conception architecturale sur la dégradation des cités d’habitat : Z.H.U.N (The impact of the architectural conception on degradation in residential projects ZHUN). (In French)
5:10 Louisa Amireche, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology, Algeria, Problématique d’habitat dans les grandes villes entre colonisation d’hier et la mondialisation : cas d’Alger (The housing question in large cities between yesterday colonization and globalization: the case of Algiers). (In French)
6:00- 6:45 Keynote Lecture:
Professor Peter J. Taylor, Loughborough University, UK. Middle Eastern Cities in the world city network: a global analysis of dependence, integration and autonomy.
Saturday , October 6 , 2001
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
8:00 Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam , The Netherlands, Dutch-Moroccans: the social construction of a new identity.
8:20 Fouad Ibrahim, University of Bayreuth, Germany. The Egyptian Diaspora in Germany.
8:40 Hein de Haas, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Migration and development in the sending areas: The case of the Moroccan Todgha valley.
9:00 Liliane Barakat, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon, Le Liban ou la course à l’émigration (Lebanon or the race for emigration) (In French).
9:20 Hassen Boubakri, Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, Tunisia, Emigration internationale au Maghreb: du modèle traditionnel aux nouveaux rôles (International emigration in Maghreb: from the traditional model to new roles) (In French).
9:40 Alasdair D. Drysdale, University of New Hampshire, USA, Population dynamics and family planning in Oman.
10: 00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 Fabrizio Eva, University of Milan, Italy, Italian Tourists in North Africa, Muslim Migrants in Italy: A Question of Extra-Territoriality.
10:50 Claudio Minca and Rachele Borghi, University of Venice, Italy, Mapping Italian Tourism in Morocco: New Trajectories, New Imaginaries.
11:10 Hassouna Mzabi, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, Tunisia, Le Tourisme en Tunisie (Tourism in Tunisia) (In French).
11:30 Slim Gabiche, University of Tunis I, Tunisia, Le tourisme et les limites spatiales du centre ville de Sousse en 1997 (Tunisie) (Tourism and the spatial limits of the inner city of Sousse in 1997, Tunisia) (In French).
11:50 Naim Ghali, Faculté des lettres Manouba, Tunis, Les unités hôtelières exploitées par des tours-opérateurs européens : le cas de la Tunisie (Hotels managed by European tour operators: the case of Tunisia) (In French)
12: 10 Brigitte Dumortier, Université Paris 1-Sorbonne, France and Dominique Creton, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, Le tourisme comme composante des relations euro - arabes : le cas de Dubaï (Tourism as a component of Euro-Arab relations: the case of Dubai) (In French).
12:30 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Michael A. Kukral, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA, Czechs and Arabs: A Thousand Years of Relations.
1:50 Amari Amar, University of Setif, Algeria, Euro-Arab relationship: Reality and prospect. (In Arabic).
2:10 Jean-Marie Miossec, Université Paul Valéry, France, L’Europe et le Monde arabe : les pays arabes de la Méditerranée dans le partenariat Euro-Méditerranéen (Europe and the Arab World: the Mediterranean Arab countries in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership) (In French).
2:30 Maria-Dolores Garcia-Ramon, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, A Gendered Colonial Encounter: European Women in the Arab World.
2:50 Jessica Jacobs, Open University, UK, Gender and the Euro-Arab Encounter: European women on holiday in Egypt.
3:10 Aseel Sawalha, Pace University, USA, The Accessible and the Prohibited: Beiruti Women Remembering Prewar Caf.
3:30- 4:00 Coffee Break
4:00 Yasmina Arama, University of Mentouri, Algeria, Mondialisation... Globalisation, quelle régionalisation pour les pays du Maghreb ? (Economic internationalization ... globalization, what kind of regionalization for countries of the Maghreb?) (In French).
4:20 Abderrahmane Diafat, Said Madani and Abdelmalek Tacherifte, University of Setif, Algeria, Mondialisation et Tourisme : Patrimoine en jachère à Sétif – Algérie (Globalization and tourism: uncultivated heritage in Setif, Algeria) (In French).
4:40 Abdullah Alhomaid and Adel Alabdulkarim, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Europe in the Contemporary Arab Discourse on Globalization.
5:10 Abdulhafed Abdulraheem Mahbub, Makka Al-Mukaramah, Saudi Arabia, Islam and Capital Globalization. (In Arabic).
6:00- 6:45 Keynote Lecture:
Professor Abdellah Laouina, Mohammed V University, Morocco, Sustainable development in the Mediterranean region: Natural and Human induced risks and the management response.
Sunday, October 7, 2001
8:00 am to 3:30 pm
8:00 Mohameden Ould-Mey, Indiana State University, USA, Zionism Is Back To Square One: From the Jewish Question in Europe to the Israeli Problem in the Arab World.
8:20 Sateh Mahli, University of Damascus, Syria, Scholarship encounter in the Mediterranean region. (In Arabic).
8:40 Mohamed Dbiyat, Institut Français des études Arabes de Damas, Syria, The Arab Geography from Ancient to the present Internet Era. (In Arabic)
9:00 Belkacem Labii, University of Constantine, Algeria, Les contresens des échanges culturels euro-arabes : cas de la formation des algériens en Europe (Misconceptions in Euro-Arab cultural exchanges: the case of the training of Algerians in Europe) (In French).
9:20 Taoufik Belhareth, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, Tunisia, Commercial and cultural exchanges, and the Tunisian transportation system. (In French).
9:40 Dale R. Lightfoot, Oklahoma State University, U.S.A., Euro-Arab Exchange in the Diffusion of Qanats: Periphery versus Core in Europe.
10: 00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 Jonathan Rae, Brighton University, UK, Common property in customary law: The Bedouin of the Syrian Desert.
10:50 A. Bellatreche, Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology, Algeria, La politique de conservation des sols en pays méditerranéens : le cas de l’Algérie (Soil conservation policies in Mediterranean countries: the case of Algeria). (In French).
11:10 Peter Vincent, Lancaster University, UK, New problems, old solutions: Himas and range management.
11:30 Khedidja Brahamia, University of Annaba, Algeria, Impacts spatiaux des flux étrangers sur la ville de Annaba (Spatial impacts of the stream of strangers in the city of Annaba, Algeria) (In French).
11:50 Monica Iorio, University of Cagliari, Italy, Tourism development in Essaouira (Morocco): matters and perspectives.
12: 10 Patrizia Manduchi, University of Cagliari, Italy, Une cité et ses visiteurs. Pour une histoire du tourisme à Essaouira (Maroc) (A city and its
visitors. For a history of tourism in Essaouira, Morocco) (In French).12:30 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Samia Benabbas-Kaghouche, University of Constantine, Algeria, Les villes du monde arabe, entre une exploitation touristique factice et la perte d’identité (Arab towns: between factitious touristic exploitation and loss of identity) (In French).
1:50 Farhat Tashkandi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, The European influence in urban planning in the Arab World. (In Arabic)
2: 10 Siham Bestandji, University of Constantine, Algeria, L’intervention coloniale sur l’espace urbain à Constantine : « la droite contre la courbe » (Colonial intervention on urban space in Constantine (Algeria): 'line against curve') (In French).
2:30 Ghaniyya Lakhal and Al-Tayyib Sahnoun, Mantouri University, Constantine, Algeria, The influence of French colonialism on Algerian urban planning: The case of Constantine, Algeria. (In Arabic).
2:50 Said Madani, Abderrahmane Diafat and Abdelmalek Tacherifte, University of Setif, Algeria, Transformations des espaces militaires d'origine coloniale : cas du Parc d'Attraction de Sétif – Algérie (Transformation of colonial military spaces: the case of the amusement park of Setif, Algeria) (In French).
3:10 Khadraoui Mohamed Salah, Faculté des Lettres La Manouba, Tunisia, L'impact de la modernité sur le plan des grandes villes maghrébines et ses limites :Tunis comme exemple (The impact of modernity on the plan of large Maghreb cities and its limits: the example of Tunis) (In French).
3:30- 4:30 Closing Session